This is the story of Osman, an IT professional from Istambul, who decided to relocate with his family to Portugal. Now he is our neighbor – he lives just a few blocks from our office in Estoril. He is our client, and we have known him for two years already. One day, while having coffee with Osman, we asked permission to write down his story. Osman was so kind that he not only agreed but also gave us many details of his reasons for relocating, which we didn’t know and which, in our opinion, will be quite helpful for those deciding.

I’ve been dreaming of moving to Portugal for a long time. But something always stopped me. In my native country, I had a business reasonably good, the kids were in school, and my wife had a stable job. But when another crisis started in the country, it was as if everything had stopped. One day I woke up thinking that it was time to change something. My wife was completely supportive, and my children were even excited about the opportunity to move to another country. In general, it was just a matter of determining where to go and collect the necessary documents.

How We Moved to Portugal With Children: Personal Experience

So, the first thing I started with was the question of how exactly you can immigrate to this country. I began to study all possible options so that in the end to choose the most suitable.

So, the first option was to reunite with the family. The way is not bad. But it was not suitable for us, because we never had any relatives in Portugal. By the way, if anyone is considering this option, it is worth noting that the Portuguese include children, spouses, brothers, and sisters among the relatives with whom you can reunite.

The second option is a startup. Any entrepreneur can open one. But there are small conditions. First, there should not be any problems with the law. Secondly, it must not reside in the Schengen countries. By the way, this option is especially good for those who use modern technology and are willing to create jobs. But I have also discarded this option.

Another category of people who have the full right to obtain a residence permit in Portugal is investors. All that is required is to buy a piece of property, the value of which is not less than 500,000 euros. This can be an apartment, villa, and the like. It is also possible to contribute to the reconstruction of the building, in which case the amount will be lower – from 35 000 euros. You can invest in a business or the country’s economy.

You have the right to live in Portugal if you are a student who studies in this country. But I had no plans to go to university. Therefore, I settled on the last, most acceptable option for me: business. The most popular direction in the country is tourism. And here I could feel like a fish in water. After all, in my homeland, I was in the tourism business, so I knew all the ins and outs and was ready to do this business. Of course, this is not the only direction entrepreneurs can choose. You can also engage in poultry farming and grow fruit, olives – whatever is closest to you. I, on the other hand, decided that I would continue the business I had started in my homeland. But, before opening my own travel agency, I had to work for some time in a Portuguese company.

Independent Attempts

At first, I tried to organize my move by myself. But it turned out to be more difficult than I thought. Of course, there was a lot of information, but it was hard to pull it all together. And if we still decided on the city (we always dreamed of Lisbon), with everything else, there were uncertainties. For example, I am very worried about questions related to school. Of course, we were leaving at the beginning of summer, but since fall, it was necessary to arrange it for our son and daughter.

After a few sleepless nights searching for a solution, I gave up. I decided that I needed to seek professional help. I remembered that when my acquaintances moved, they collaborated with the consulting agency MoveToCascais. I found their contacts, applied, and, we can say, forgot about all the problems.

First of all, we were given a list of all the documents that we needed to collect and told what needed to be done shortly. In general, with the help of specialists, everything went quickly and smoothly. By the way, they also said about the training system in Portugal.

What Documents Are Needed?

Perhaps the most challenging task is to collect the necessary documents. Be prepared that they will have to tinker with them and run through the required authorities to collect all the papers. First of all, the list includes a signed employment contract or a job offer. Such an offer I found, to do it was not difficult. By education, I am a programmer, and for some time, I successfully worked in my specialty and even have some good references. Therefore, I did not have any particular difficulties in finding a job. As for my wife, then initially, she went on a tourist visa. But soon after, she was able to find a good job right there. She is a certified designer and also knows several foreign languages.

In addition to the invitation to work, the mandatory documents will be needed:

  • A clean bill of health;
  • Bank statement, which proves that you have money;
  • Proof of qualification, which is specified in the invitation to work.

Naturally, we need passports for each family member traveling to Portugal. After gathering the documents, we started to queue to take the biometric. After this procedure, we have to wait a few months. Then we received a notice of approval. Then we began to pack our bags and get ready for the move.

What Documents Are Needed?

Where to Find a Job?

As noted above, I went to Portugal on a work visa, so the question of finding a job was only for my wife. She entered the country with a tourist visa without any problems. And on the spot, she started looking for a suitable job.

Although unemployment is rampant in the country, it is possible to find a decent job, especially with higher education. Since we originally planned to stay here permanently, the search had to work hard. We were warned that illegal work is not suitable because the violation of labor laws is punishable and threatened with deportation.

To get a work visa and a residence permit, my wife had to find an employer and sign an official contract with him with spelled out rights and responsibilities. This is not only a guarantee that you will not be deported but also a guarantee of social security because from your salary will be deducted insurance charges.

My spouse got a job at a small company as an English translator. After that, a month later, she was issued a residence permit for a year. The next residence permit we received together was for two years. And after we had lived in Portugal for five years, we applied for permanent residency.

This is our personal experience. As for the rest, there are several options for finding a job. First, it is best to look for a job when you are at home, and already with an invitation to go to the country. The next is to follow my experience.

It is also possible to come on a tourist visa, and while in Portugal, to find a suitable apartment and buy it. About this option, I told a little bit above. According to the notarial deed, you can stay in the country. Well, in the meantime, enroll in language courses, learn to speak, and find a job according to your professional level.

If you have a degree in demand specialty (medical, construction, architecture, IT), you can safely count on getting a high-paying job, but knowing the language is a prerequisite. If you do not have such an education, but you know the language, it is easy to get an administrative position. And those who do not have a diploma at all will be offered a job in construction, agriculture, and so on.

How Do I Start a Business?

Opening your own business in Portugal is one of the most convenient ways to get a residence permit. I didn’t use it only because I didn’t have any equity capital, so I decided that I would open my own business a little later. But if you have the amount of 5000 euros, you can without problems carry out conceived.

By the way, there are no bureaucratic procedures in the country, which opens up good prospects for future business people. The optimal format of the company here is considered an LLC.

To register a business, you’ll need about 600 euros. In addition, you will have to pay a lawyer who will help make everything right. The registration process takes about a month, after which the businessman is given a plastic card with all company details. Immediately after this, you can get a residence permit, and after five years, you can collect and submit documents for permanent residence.

Finding a Place to Live

With this we have no problems, the consulting agency helped us. They took full responsibility for finding a suitable apartment for us and offered several options, among which we chose the most practical and satisfying all our needs. For the first time, it was enough; now, we have our own apartment, which we could buy after a year of living in Portugal.

In general, it is quite difficult to find rented accommodation in Lisbon on your own. Therefore, this option was the most acceptable for us. The fact that the locals are willing to rent apartments at a normal (reasonable) cost only nine months a year, the other three months – in high season – prefer to rent them to tourists. Naturally, they take for rent much more than the rest of the time.

And also, based on the experience of visiting expats like us, I would like to note that the owners prefer to rent housing to local residents rather than foreigners. Therefore, you will have to compete while searching for an apartment because the landlord gives a couple of days before renting a place so everyone can see it. Then who is interested in the offer informs the owner. He, in turn, chooses the one who likes it best. Chances increase if you offer to pay an annual fee upfront. But again, this does not guarantee that the landlord will not opt for a local tenant.

And one more fact to consider. Most apartments are rented without furniture and necessary appliances. And to find a well-equipped apartment, you will need to try and spend more than a day.

Difficulties With the Language

From personal experience, I want to say that it is best to start learning the language before you move to the country. There is plenty of time for this, even from the moment you start collecting documents.

My spouse and I are fluent in English, but not everyone in Portugal understands the language. Before I left, I briefly studied Portuguese. But there was no practice. The best technique was communicating with locals.

In addition, if you want, you can find courses right there. I did not need them, but my wife did for a while.

Difficulties With the Language


There is a metro in Lisbon. Interestingly, the fares depend on the area because the farther you go, the more you’ll have to pay. Buses are also very popular. Fare prices are quite high, so it is better to buy a card immediately and recharge regularly – it will save a lot.

No matter how accessible and convenient public transportation is, as in our country, the best transport in Portugal is a car. Even though gasoline is not very cheap, it is much more convenient to travel by car. From personal experience: it saves not only time but also nerves.

By the way, after you get a residence permit, the domestic driver’s license here becomes invalid, and within three months, it must be replaced by the Portuguese one. If the application is filed later, you must take the exam without training. While waiting for an invitation to the exam, the old license will be taken away but issued a temporary one. Both will be valid only on the territory of Portugal.

transport in lisbon

Portuguese Kindergartens

We have two children, preschool age. In our country, there are two types of preschools here – public and private. Education in them is not much different, but there is one nuance. Those who plan to enter a state institution must “stand in a queue” for at least nine months. In this case, it is better to get in the queue immediately after the baby’s birth. In general, if you move to Portugal and want to immediately put the baby in kindergarten, you have to choose among private options, especially if there is no possibility of sitting with a child or hiring a nanny. As for differences from our kindergartens, there are virtually none. We chose a private school for our kids, where he attends developmental activities and is also quickly socialized. 

As in our country, there are two types of preschools here – public and private. Education in them is not much different, but there is one nuance. Those who plan to enter a state institution must “stand in a queue” for at least nine months. In this case, it is better to get in the queue immediately after the baby’s birth.

In general, if you move to Portugal and want to immediately put the baby in kindergarten, you have to choose among private options, especially if there is no possibility of sitting with a child or hiring a nanny. As for differences from our kindergartens, there are virtually none.

Training in Portugal. Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

The first piece of advice: it’s better to send the children straight to a private institution. Although Lisbon is full of public schools, we opted for a private one.

Why? Initially, it was more convenient for us. Don’t worry that you can’t afford the school because the fees are not that high, partly because many private schools are state-sponsored. Children in high school need to decide on a profile, but after ninth grade, it can be changed. By the way, specialized education is a big plus. It allows studying in depth precisely those subjects beneficial when entering high school.

What else would you like to say about school education?
It is divided into two stages. After completing high school, the child and his parents decide whether or not to continue his studies. Since further schooling is optional, it has to be paid for. After graduation, a certificate of Secondary Education is issued, which indicates the specialty obtained. Then it’s on to admission to higher education.


I believe that higher education is a must for everyone. Of course, we cannot say that absolutely all Portuguese people have higher education. According to statistics, it is not more than 40% of the population. But foreigners themselves are very attracted to Portuguese universities. According to European standards, it is not very expensive to study here.

Universities in Portugal are divided into universities and polytechnics. In the first case, you will focus on theoretical research, and in the second, you will gain practical skills. By the way, polytechnics are far from what, in our understanding, is considered a vocational school. In such a school, you can get a diploma in accountancy or teaching.

As in the case of kindergartens and schools, higher education institutions can be public or private. First, studying in public is much cheaper, and private ones are more expensive, but you can get good discounts for diligent study.

To apply for a bachelor’s degree, you must have a high school diploma with good grades. You will also need to take examinations. Few institutions in Portugal teach English, so it is obligatory to know the national language. But we have no problem with this – the children already speak Portuguese fluently.

Maternity leave

As for maternity leave, things are slightly different than in our country. Any working parent can go on paid leave for up to 5 months. Until the age of three, the baby can be sent to the nursery, after three to the garden, and then to school.


As for medical services, in Portugal, they are at a high level. If necessary, you can go to both public and private medical institutions. Every citizen and permanent resident of the country has the right to medical care.

The health care system consists of three parts: national health service, special social medical insurance system, and voluntary private medical insurance. Except for dental and some other medical procedures, services are free. In order to cover 100% of the costs, some people prefer to buy private health insurance.

What About Entertainment?

Of course, once we settled in a new country, we thought about entertainment, because we can’t just sit at home all the time! I should say that you certainly won’t get bored in Portugal! First of all, we toured all around Lisbon. It’s beautiful and wonderful here. You can read more about our itinerary in the article: Holidays in Cascais. What’s the best way to spend your weekend? The Complete Guide.

A week after arriving, we went to the ocean. This is probably what the kids wanted and waited for the most. Here you can not only enjoy beautiful sunsets, which perhaps do not exist anywhere else in the world but also go surfing. Beginners are coached by instructors, our family pretty quickly mastered the sport.

In Lisbon, there are many festivals and holidays in which we try to take an active part. There is a world-famous aquarium and many other exciting places which must be visited. If you choose to live here, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to do so.

What About Entertainment?​

Why Portugal?

Moving to Portugal was not a spontaneous decision. It took us a long time to come here. After visiting this wonderful country, I decided to live here one day. My wife and I often brought up the topic. She was initially not against the move, but there was something that stopped us all the time. Of course, first of all, it was scary. The worst thing was the unknown and lack of understanding of how life is in a foreign country, whether we can “settle in,” and whether the children will be able to adjust.

But all fears dissipated as soon as we arrived in Lisbon and entered our first rented apartment. We realized that everything would be fine because otherwise can not be. To those who still have doubts about whether it is worth moving to Portugal, I want to say one thing: yes, you should.

In addition, to give you some confidence, I would like to highlight the advantages that await you in this country. First is the affordable cost of housing. And whether you plan to rent an apartment or buy your own, I assure you it will not be too expensive. Working in Portugal and renting an apartment, we managed to save up for our own place in a good area in the first year. I am sure you will do the same!

Another undoubted advantage is the reasonable cost of goods and services. Living in Portugal is almost twice as cheap as in other developed countries, including Germany, France, and so on.

A big plus is that you can apply for citizenship after five years of residence here. This is one of the best and fastest prospects one can find. For example, to become a citizen of Italy or Spain, to live in the country for ten years, in Greece for seven years.

Beneficial here and for people in business because the country has a preferential tax regime. New tax residents for ten years can enjoy the special regime for Non-Habitual Residents. According to it, income tax is reduced to 20%, and taxes on income received outside the country are not charged at all.

Also, personally, in this country, I discovered many other undeniable advantages. For example, the delicious and healthy food of Portuguese Mediterranean cuisine. Another advantage of living in Portugal for me personally is the low crime rate. Not for nothing, Portugal is recognized as one of the safest countries in the world. And what else is essential for a family which brings up children?

I really like the local climate. It is not too hot in the summer thanks to the ocean breeze. And in winter, it’s comfortable enough, too. And, of course, a lot of sun!

Why Portugal?

Plans for the Future

To tell you the truth, my family and I don’t regret at all that once we decided to move to Portugal and stay here. It is a beautiful country and has many exciting possibilities for anyone who settles here.

Of course, to achieve what you want, you have to put in a lot of effort and do a lot of work. Now we are reaping the fruits of our labor. Two years after I moved here, I managed to open my own business, which today is flourishing. My travel agency is in demand not only in Lisbon but also in the entire country.

My wife has also managed to achieve great success. She is a sought-after designer, works in her field, and is very happy about it. There are many more perspectives for the children. 

Portugal is a country of great opportunities. It is open to all who really want to change their lives for the better and do everything to achieve their goals.

At the moment, we are doing very well and stable. We don’t plan to leave here because everything is just fine. Our life improved, and a foreign country quickly became our home country. There are very friendly people here who are willing to advise and help.

Well, I would like to express special gratitude to the consulting agency MoveToCascais. I don’t know if we could have overcome all the difficulties by ourselves. Your help and support were essential. And for those still in doubt, I would like to advise you: do not hesitate, move, and your life will change soon!

The best place to live in Portugal with family

I moved with my family to Portugal from Turkey two years ago. It wasn’t easy at all to take this decision, but we wanted to escape the political crisis that was making our country no longer safe for our children and my wife. We had heard that living in Portugal is the right choice for a family, is safe, studying here is not so expensive, and there is a strong community for expats. I didn’t think about all doubts I had in my mind at that moment, I just decided to jump on this adventure.

The best place to live in Portugal with family

How to Move to Portugal for Non-EU Citizens

Finding a way to move to Portugal for non-EU citizens is really complicated. I found that obtaining a Golden Visa is the fastest way to get a residency permit.
I thought it was perfect for us, but I discovered that in order to have it, you have to invest an amount of money that we didn’t have at that time. There were other ways for us to legally stay in the country, such as creating a start-up or a business, studying, or working in the country, but the procedures seemed long, and I did not understand if we could register at university or how we could find work.

How to Move to Portugal for Non-EU Citizens

What Are Highly Qualified Professionals Work in Portugal?

I was giving up when I found a post on the expat Facebook community about a professional consulting agency based in Cascais with many positive reviews in the comments. Many people had the same problem and doubts as me, and they found their solution with MoveToCascais.

I decided to contact them and thanks to a specialist consultancy we found out the answer to our problems. I discovered that my job, I am an engineer, is recognized as a highly qualified professional work, and because of that, I can ask for a special Visa that allows me and my family to enter Portugal for work purposes and to establish there.

I needed to present a promise of work or a signed contract with national companies in order to ask for it. So after I easily found a job and presented the contract with all other requested documents, MoveToCascais managed our living in Portugal.

Is Better to live in Cascais or in Lisbon With Children?

I had many doubts about where to live in Portugal. Was it better to live in Cascais or in Lisbon? I thought Cascais was just a small fisherman’s village, far away from the urban center like Lisbon, and what characterizes it, such as the choice between different restaurants, the possibility to see many museums, and enjoying the nightlife.

I was worried about the distance from my workplace in Lisbon and Cascais, that I would need a car to go daily, having to struggle with traffic, petrol prices, and especially being away from my wife for any needs.

I had seen very good international schools in both Cascais and Lisbon, so I was most concerned about private life. Would my children have been able to integrate into the community not speaking Portuguese? Would the local community have welcomed us? And if they were sick, would the health insurance have covered us, or would it have drained my bank account?

MoveToCascais helped us once again by answering some of my questions, others were answered once I lived in Cascais.

Is Better to live in Cascais or in Lisbon With Children?

Cascais Is a Good Place to Live With Family

We decided to live in Cascais because we realized that Lisbon would only give us more nightlife than what we were looking for at the time. In fact, I wouldn’t need a car to go to work because of the excellent transport links between the two cities. I would rather take an hour daily by train that runs along the ocean than spend my days in the traffic of a big city.

My wife had found the solution to the problem of remoteness and also of aggregation. She soon found a job as a language teacher and started to hang out with her local colleagues or expats like herself, with whom she became friends. We were welcomed into the community and created a group of friends ready to help each other in case of need.

The language difference was not an obstacle, my children studied in an international school where several languages were spoken and where they quickly learned Portuguese, for us, it also wasn’t difficult because many in Portugal speak good English. We started online courses for the basics and then improved with time through practice with our friends.

Cascais turned out to be a calm and safe city for a family, and after the first year, we were ready for our first big buy – an apartment.

We were looking for an apartment near Marina and found the perfect one. It was a two-bedroom apartment with a view of the ocean. We loved it!

The process of buying was very smooth. We worked with a real estate agent Viktoria, who helped us find the right place. We also had a lawyer who handled all of the paperwork. We are very happy with our purchase!

And again, thanks to the guys from MoveToCascais that managed to organize all this process.

So, my conclusion is very simple – if you want to move to a safe and welcoming country – Portugal is definitely the choice! And if you want this process to be as easy as possible – get professional help, and the guys from MoveToCascais are certainly the ones who can provide it!

Is Better to live in Cascais or in Lisbon With Children?

The Decision to Move

“Aren’t you happy? You hated your work, your boss drove you up the wall, and working every
morning was hard for you!” Valeria told me after I said to her I had been fired.

“Yes, that’s true.”

“You should be over the moon, Ginevra. Now you can do whatever you want!”

I nodded. It was all true, but how could I explain to her that the initial freedom had given way
to a sense of inadequacy and dissatisfaction and, above all, a realization that I was once
again unemployed? I was feeling blue.

I had been sending applications to the most disparate companies for two years, but no one
answered me. I believed that it was my bad, that there was something wrong with me, that I
didn’t have the right skills, that I wasn’t enough, that there was always a better candidate
than me applying for that Italian company.

“Wassup Ginevra? You don’t have to think that you are wrong. Maybe the way you approach
the job search isn’t right,” my husband Mark told me a month later. “You are feeling down in
the dumps and take these doors slammed in your face as personal failures, closing in on
yourself rather than reacting, complaining about how unfair everything is instead of trying to
change things.”

“Are you kiddin’ me? It’s easy for you, you have a job, and what’s more, you can do it from
home! In fact, from wherever you want…”

We looked at each other intensely; my tear-filled eyes slowly relaxed and gave way to a
smile. His eyes sparkled, and an amused smile could be seen from his beard, conveying
immense love. He knew that I understood what he was trying to tell me, I had to change the
way I was dealing with what was happening to me, and I decided to do it with a clean cut to
roots that I actually didn’t really have, not in the place where I was.

“Where do you want to go?” he asked.

“To your homeland, let’s go to Brazil…”

Brazil’s Surprise

Over the years, my husband and I had saved a good amount of money, so we moved to Rio de Janeiro. I gave private Italian lessons while looking for a job in a school, and Mark worked in our new house, a very basic tiny villa. The first few weeks, I was stocked, teaching Italian to kids who lived in our neighborhood, going out in the evenings with Mark and his cousins, and exploring Rio during the weekend.

“Don’t go far from this group of villas, don’t wear flashy clothes and jewelry, avoid backpacks or bags, don’t show your mobile phone, and only take the essentials with you,” was the advice Mark repeated to me every day and which I had read in all the travel blogs. The big cities in Brazil are the most dangerous, so you have to follow these simple rules and go out only with locals. I thought I was more afraid of the psychological terrorism that Mark and his relatives had given me because I didn’t witness any robbery or unpleasant situation until one day I had to take a bus to a school for an interview.

I was in the bus yard with about a hundred people waiting at their bus stop. I had never seen such a crowd at the bus station, which made me so anxious that I held my book tightly in my hand and tried to hide my mobile phone and documents I kept in my pocket.

Until I heard two shots. People began to push and huddle. I looked around, not knowing what to do or where to go. Pushed by the crowd, I yelled, “Damn, guys! What’s happening”. I didn’t understand where those shots came from, and I only knew that they were damn close. It all lasted a few seconds because we rushed into the bus, which left immediately. At that moment, still trembling and in shock, I thought about freedom with wide eyes, looking out of the bus waiting for my stop.

Was it worth it to follow all these rules, leaving the house with the fear that something might happen to me every day, not being able to be myself but only something imposed for my safety? I looked around; people were quiet again, and nobody was talking about what had just тhappened. They were used to it, whereas I could never.

When I arrived at school, I called my husband, explaining what had happened and asking him to pick me up. Every time I left our villa, he watched me through the window until I entered the neighbor’s house. I would not allow myself to be bound by fear and, above all, to restrain Mark as well.

Landing in Portugal

We talked at length for the next few days; his understanding was disarming. There was only one problem: where to go next. The decision came by itself, so afterward, we set off on a short trip to Europe, with an endpoint in Portugal, which has always gone hand in hand with Brazil, so there were no problems adapting.

Portugal was precisely the place we had been looking for. Great climate, the ocean at hand, friendly people, and the best environment to start a business in all of Western Europe. Back in Brazil, we decided that we had to find an opportunity to move to Portugal.

Among the many companies, we came across the MoveToCascais service, easily booked a free consultation, and immediately found all answers to our questions. After listening to our story and learning about all our desires, we were offered a great option: a Golden Visa of Portugal through real estate investments.

I had read about the Golden Visa on the internet and understood that it was the best solution for us since it would not oblige us to stay in Portugal for six months of the year to preserve residency but only seven days. However, the procedure seemed complicated and lengthy, and I couldn’t figure out the best way to get it.

“So we buy a house and start our lives with a roof over our heads, a place where we can feel safe and where we can look for work and figure out how to create something of our own in Portugal. This time, however, we rely on someone who can help us not only with finding a house, but also with all the paperwork to move to Portugal, such as NIF and opening a bank account,” I told Mark.

“And also to open our own business that you can manage and where I
can work remotely, “ my husband added. How I loved that man and our idea!

That’s how we found MoveToCascais, which made everything so easy by providing the answers to all our doubts.

Cascais was much more than what the company had presented to us, a seaside village with golden sandy beaches, elegan19th-century architecture, numerous museums, and historical homes scattered around a neighborhood overlooking a beautiful marina that hosts some of the most important sailing events in the world.

The wonderful flat we bought soon became our love nest, the safe and enjoyable place to live! When I think back to the day we decided to change direction, everything seems so far away as if it had never happened, but if I had not been fired and decided to leave Italy, I would not have been able to visit Brazil. And without Brazil, I wouldn’t have discovered my limitations, and we probably wouldn’t have moved to Portugal. Everything happens for a reason, and mine led me to a place that became the origin of our happiness.

let's go to Brazil

My name is Yury Yurchyk, and I manage the MoveToCascais services.
I know that everyone thinks that a change of residence is inevitably fraught with stress, overt or covert. Significantly when, due to circumstances, a person changes not a neighborhood, but a city, a country, or an entire continent.

Let me share with you my own story of my relocation to Portugal and I’m sure I can prove that relocation can be an easy and uncomplicated process.

Let’s get to know each other better!
Just watch the video below and learn more about my relocation experience!

Just imagine the possibilities and joys of life for you and your family when you move to Portugal.
You can live a really exciting and fulfilling life.
And with our help, this process will be as easy as possible.

Most banks in Portugal require you to visit a local branch to open a bank account, although a few allow you to open a Portuguese bank account online.
How to open a bank account in Portugal varies slightly from bank to bank, but as a rough guide, you need to go through the following procedures. Watch the video below and find out more information!

Want to open a bank account in Portugal?

With us, it will be easier to apply and get the account opened without time-consuming procedures.Just fill out the form below!

Here are 4 things you’ll need to get started:

  • Valid passport
  • Confirmation of address in the country of residence
  • Confirmation of address in the country of residence
  • Portugal’s NIF document (don’t have one? Apply here)

Fill out the form and get started your opening process for BANK ACCOUNT

Established in 2009, NHR, Portugal’s non-habitual residency tax regime, is something that has gained a lot of international excitement and attention. But as anyone who has tried delving into the scheme will know, it can quickly become a confusing topic. Watch the video below and find out more information!

NHR is a tax regime, not a residency permit. 

The aim of the NHR regime is to attract financially self-sufficient foreigners to Portugal. NHR is a tax regime, not a residency permit.

NHR is a special taxation regime that is available under certain eligibility criteria to expats that recently moved to Portugal. This status grants certain tax exemptions and privileges over a 10 year period.

Do you want to cut the time of applying for a NHR?

Feel free to contact us! Just fill out the form below!
We help you to make your decisions, to run estimates, to file returns and other reporting obligations, to ensure that you are fully compliant and always in a timely fashion.

Why you should apply for NHR status:

  • 0% tax on cryptocurrency
  • 0% tax on dividends
  • 0% wealth tax
  • Fixed tax rate for the self-employed of 20%
  • 0% tax on income outside Portugal

Fill out the form and get started your applying process for NHR

Company registration in Portugal requires completing some actions before the company is ready to begin its activity. Foreigners are welcome and no special restrictions apply to foreign shareholders or directors in Portugal. This country has agreements with more than 50 other countries for the reciprocal protection and promotion of investments, and agreements with roughly 80 countries for the avoidance of double taxation. Watch the video below and find out more information!

Portugal offers:
low operating costs, including a highly educated population (42% of which speak at least one foreign language), a skilled but cheap labor force (50% of the EU average cost),
highly developed infrastructure and communications networks.

Incorporating a company in Portugal is also a possible way to apply for a resident permit by non-EU/EEA/Swiss citizens and access to NHR regime once registered as a tax resident of Portugal.

If you want to incorporate a company in Portugal, we will be happy to assist you in that process🙌

With us, the company incorporation process is no longer the bureaucratic struggle that it traditionally is.

You don’t have to fill out papers, stay in lines, or waste time otherwise. Just fill out the form below!

Here is what you need to register a company in Portugal:

  • Valid passport
  • Confirmation of address in the country of residence
  • Portugal’s NIF document (don’t have one? Apply here)

Fill out the form and get started with your COMPANY REGISTRATION

The Portuguese NIF number is a tax identification number. Anyone who is legally living in Portugal, both official residents and citizens, as well as foreign non-residents, need to have a NIF number in Portugal!

Watch the video below and find out more information!

Prospective expats and entrepreneurs should sort it out as soon as possible. If you’re planning on staying in Portugal even if only for a short-term residency. The NIF number in Portugal is a nine-digit number unique to each individual. This number is on all correspondence between yourself and the Portuguese tax authority. You’ll also find it on tax cards and the citizen’s ID card.

If you want to apply for a Portuguese NIF number in Portugal you’ll need proof of your address (like a utility bill or a bank statement).

If you’re applying from abroad through a representative, you’ll need to provide a Power of Attorney document (translated into Portuguese). This grants them permission to act on your behalf.

We will be happy to assist you in getting your NIF! With us getting a NIF in Portugal wouldn’t be difficult!

Just contact us by filling out the form.

Documents required for NIF processing:

  • Valid passport (or national ID card for EU citizens)
  • Confirmation of residence address outside of Portugal

Fill out the form and get started your applying process for NIF

Portugal is the most visited country in Europe, located in the west of the Iberian Peninsula. The ideal climate, amazingly affordable prices and unique attractions attract tourists and those who want to stay here forever. Once upon a time it was Portugal that led an empire from China’s Macau to Brazil. And all the richness of the imperial days is naturally reflected in the modern architecture of the country, especially in the elegant buildings of Porto and Lisbon, which are steeped in luxury.
There is a long stretch of beaches and towns in the southern Portuguese Algarve from Faro to Lagos. Golf courses and hotels compete for “a place in the sun” in this region. Even a hike will allow you to enjoy the stunning views of the coast, and a trip to the Azores or Madeira will reveal a world of unparalleled beauty.
We’ve compiled a list of the best places to visit in Portugal to make it easier for you to plan your trip around the country.

Приобретение недвижимости в Португалии 2022

Feeling Lisbon

This is one of the oldest cities in the world, attracting tourists with its neighborhoods (byros). The most popular is Belém, famous for its royal palaces, historical monuments, and luxurious gardens.  The most visited in Portugal Jerónimos Monastery is located in the city. And Lisbon’s oldest Moorish district Alfama is recognized as the most visited place in Portugal. There are mazes of cobbled streets, amazing rural architecture, Fado bars, restaurants and the beautifully preserved Castle of St. George.
The cultural center with concert halls, theaters and museums is called Chiado. Chic steel buildings with huge windows, a variety of casinos…To avoid confusion, focus on the name of the district.  Bairro Alto is an entertainment area with discos and nightclubs, Parque das Nações is a modern district with commercial establishments. There are more than enough attractions in both. 
Lisbon’s dining experience is incredible. It offers divine pastries, authentic Portuguese tapas, wine and beer, and international cuisines.
Acclaimed to be the best way to explore the city, the ancient streetcar No. 28 winds through the historic neighborhoods, gardens, and neighborhoods, stopping at the main attractions. Even those with private transport don’t mind taking a ride on it. Impressions of the seen are radically different. 


Mediterranean climate, sunshine, gorgeous beaches, beautiful urban areas, great food and more than reasonable prices – this is what attracts people to the Algarve. It is a feast for the eyes. At least, that’s what tourists say about the area. There’s historic architecture, historic churches, the charms of cobbled streets, bustling major cities and quaint little towns. 
The capital of the region is Faro. The brightest “point” of nightlife is Lagos. The city of Lagos is famous for its red sandstone castle and orange groves. For its elegance and mass of Renaissance monuments – Tavira. 
In an idyllic countryside with many Roman ruins, there are very many golf courses. The mountain range of Monchique, “studded” with strawberry trees, is a wonderful place for cycling and hiking, for horseback riding. The coast has many wonderful beaches, there are secret, little known coves. You can not only swim, but also explore the caves, deep sea fishing. You can go on an unforgettable yacht cruise. 
The Algarve has an excellent cuisine based on seafood, almonds and carob beans. The traditional drink, made with the local strawberry tree, the Medronho, complements all this splendor. 


The coast of Lisbon, near the Sintra Mountains, is home to Sintra. This city of green hills, studded with many beautiful villas, royal palaces, and castles is a fascinating sight. There is a great deal of architecture, dating back to the eighth century. At one time, the beauty of Sintra charmed even the great Lord Byron, who called it the most beautiful village in the world. 
Climbing the hills of Sintra is fun, but not for everyone. It is good that there are special buses that stop near all sights of the city, for example, near the fantastic Palais de Pena (they say, it reminds German Neuschwanstein). It was built in the 1800s as the summer residence of the Portuguese royal family. Around Pena’s Palace are wooded parks with amazing exotic trees, flowers and plants. Of course, the intriguing Freemason symbols and unique architecture deserve separate attention. 
The highest hill of the city is topped by the ancient ruins of the Castle of the Moors. There is also the Palace of Monserrat, known for its romanticism and unique subtropical gardens. Very interesting is the Toy Museum, now holding more than 20,000 objects, many of which date back to ancient Egyptian times.

Переезд в Португалию в 2022 году


“The Floating Garden of the Atlantic” (that’s how Madeira Island is nicknamed) is an amazing oasis in the Atlantic, located between North Africa and Portugal.  Lush flower gardens, green landscapes, wines and memorable New Year’s celebrations with fireworks shows. The island of Madeira is one of the most beautiful places for European travel. 
Where you can be confused by the variety of guidebooks, you can miss the most interesting, so be sure to visit Laurissilva forest with wonderful laurel trees and Orchid Garden. Of course, one cannot miss the impressive system of aqueducts and canals of the Levada. It is this system that provides walking paths to the most beautiful scenery.
The coast has crystal clear water, pebble beaches, rocky natural pools, and a variety of activities like diving, sailing, fishing, and whale watching.
Funchal, Madeira’s largest city, is home to churches, tourist resorts, museums, restaurants, and the Lido promenade, which offers incredible views of the ocean.


Famous for producing port wine, the city of Porto is prized for its architectural and natural beauty. It is located in the hills near the Douro River in northern Portugal. Among the many treasures of this city are the chic ancient churches with stunning interiors.
Porto has an excellent transportation link of buses, subway, and cable car. In the center of the city is very attractive pedestrian zone Ribeira, near the river is competently located atmospheric. There are always lots of street vendors, always live music, there are many cafes and restaurants. A metal arched bridge of two tiers connects Porto with the famous Vila Nova de Gaia wine cellars.
The architectural treasures of the city, first of all, include the Porto Cathedral and the Church of St. Francis. Among the sights one should also mention the Stock Exchange Palace with its incredible beauty of the Arab Room.


Obidos Castle is located in the west of Portugal, surrounded by an ancient fortress wall. Now it is quite a modern hotel, but there is much to admire. Its history begins in the VIII century AD with the erection of a small fortification by the Moors on the top of the hill. In addition to the fortress wall and castle, visitors to the city admire the many historical sites in the center. There are stores everywhere with handmade goods from artisans of this region.  
The famous ancient churches of Santa Maria and St. Peter are hand-painted with tiles, though it’s very hard to believe. They are simply enchanting.
Every year Obidos hosts a Medieval Festival with jugglers, minstrels, jousting duels, costume parades, and a craft fair with medieval treats and products.


This city in southern Portugal in the Alentejo Plain is particularly attractive to tourists. Over 2000 years of history have made Évora from a Roman town to the capital of the region, with nearly four thousand perfectly preserved historic buildings.
The city is easy to explore on foot. All the attractions are located close to each other. Horseback riding is considered the best way to walk around Évora. 
The Giraldo Square with its Renaissance fountain, the University, the chapel with the original decoration of human skulls and bones, and the Roman temple, or rather its ruins, deserve particular attention. 
Near the city there is the largest complex of megaliths in all Europe. These prehistoric marvels are very interesting for both adults and children.

Иммиграция в Португалию 2022. Выбор визы, советы по оформлению ВНЖ и получению паспорта


The bustling city of Aveiro is often called the “Venice of Portugal.” And all because of the many canals dotted with colorful gondolas and modern boats. It’s a bustling, vibrant city with many attractions for travelers. The beaches, sights, and cuisine make Aveiro a very popular tourist destination. 
The most interesting way to explore Aveiro is on foot. But there is also a free bicycle system and tourist boats are available to get around. Chic architecture and amazing works of art are on display at Aveiro Cathedral, the Monastery of Jesus, and the Chapel of São Gonçaligno. 
The coast of Aveiro (also called the “Silver Coast”) has many beautiful clean beaches (Barra, San Jacinto, Costa Nova, etc.). The central and fish market sells not only fish/meat/vegetables but also unique handmade items for yourself and as souvenirs.

The Azores

The archipelago of the Azores is located 1500 km from mainland Portugal.  Volcanic in origin, its nine islands boast breathtaking landscapes that offer incredible opportunities for outdoor recreation. Walking through the islands on foot is a real treat. Mountains and green valleys lead out to coastal scenic lines with cliffs, coves and beaches. The main attraction is the peak of the archipelago, Mount Pico, and the idyllic crater lake of Lagoa do Fogo.
Many people visit the archipelago because of the marine reserves. The waters around the islands are teeming with whales and dolphins; sailing and snorkeling are the most popular activities here. 


The very attractive city of Coimbra is located on the banks of the Mondego in central Portugal. It is a real treasury of memorable places, wonderful gardens, lively culture, the musical style of Fado…. There’s a joke: The best thing to do in Coimbra is to get lost. That way you can discover a lot of interesting sights. By the way, the tomb of Queen Isabella is located here, in the Gothic monastery Santa Clara a Vella.
The University of Coimbra has the most beautiful library in the world, the Joanina Library.
The beautiful botanical gardens and city parks are ideal for picnics and leisurely walks. There are cafes and stores throughout the city. 
Cultural life in Coimbra is known for academfestivals and fado music performances. There’s a tin can parade at the beginning of the school year and an eight-day party called the Ribbon Burning at the end of the year. 


In the north of the country, not far from Braga, is one of the historical centers of the country, Guimaraes, often called the birthplace of Portugal. This is because the first King of Portugal, A. Henriques, was born here.
There are two castles in the center of the city at once:

    • the palace of the Grand Dukes of Braganza;
    • majestic 10th century castle

this is both exquisite architecture and priceless knowledge about the history and heritage of the city. But despite its medieval history, the city has a colorful vibrant atmosphere. It’s because of the many students. The cafes and bars are usually packed. As a walking route, many people choose to climb to the top of Mount Peña nearby to enjoy the stunning views from there. 


In the center of the country is another very beautiful Portuguese city, Tomar, surrounded by fertile farmland. It was once the key headquarters of the Templars, so there are many historical and cultural monuments here.
Tomar has many buildings in the exquisite architectural styles of Renaissance, Manuelino and Gothic. Annually, many festivals and fairs are held there. The main attraction is the monastery of the Order of Christ.  


The third largest city in Portugal is called Braga. It is located in the north among fertile farms, wide valleys and gentle hills. The famous “City of the Archbishops” boasts not only churches, squares and winding streets, but also the enchanting beauty of the old city and a vibrant nightlife.
The Archdiocese of Braga is a very important stop on the route of the Portuguese pilgrimage. Many people are here during the Semana Santa, which lasts about a week. A popular tourist attraction is the sanctuary on the Bom Jesus do Monte hill. The view from this point is, of course, mesmerizing. 
Park Peneda-Gueres, located on the border with Spain, is the only park recognized as “national”. Founded back in 1971, in order to protect the unique ecosystems and landscapes, it has also taken “under protection” numerous settlements/trees in the secluded picturesque places nearby. There are about a hundred of them and they are all granite. Ancient traditions and ways of life are maintained here. It is very interesting for visitors. 


The town of Nazare in the picturesque province of Extremadura with its beautiful beaches and cliffs around is famous not only for its gorgeous scenery, but also for the huge waves that regularly crash on the Atlantic coast. 
Many just relax on the golden sands of the beach, but most go purposefully to conquer the waves of record size.
The city center has cobblestone streets, seafood restaurants, quiet boarding houses and small boutiques. There are several museums, churches and chapels in Nazareth, and there is a cable car that quickly takes you to the top of the hill. 


This city boasts a glorious history. Templars, Arabs, Visigoths and Romans all fought for it. Since its founding, it has been a strategically important site on a hill overlooking the Spanish border across the Guadiana River. The main attraction is the castle. But quite a few chapels, churches and simply beautiful buildings can be found in its streets.
From the side of the village and the towers there is a stunning panorama of the “blanket” of scraps of brown and yellow fields in the surrounding area. Monsarache is one of the oldest towns in Portugal. 

Viana do Castelo

Near the ocean in northern Portugal is the town of Viana do Castelo.  It is a “stopover” on the Portuguese Way, an important pilgrimage site. It has not only a Gothic cathedral, but also centuries-old churches, a variety of cultural and historical sites. 
There are several museums open at once in the center, and there are beautiful private homes and estates.
The top of the hill overlooks the Sacre-Coeur Basilica of St. Lucia, the prototype of Paris.
It is impossible to list all the places to visit in Portugal. The country has an incredible number of attractions for all tastes and their different eras. A unique country for living, for leisure, for traveling. Come, see, explore and share your impressions with us. It is unlikely that Portugal will ever be fully explored.  

Entrepreneurs from different countries are increasingly coming to Portugal. Businessmen from all over the world are attracted by the quite simple conditions for opening their own business, as well as by the stable and safe economy. The lack of corruption and the sufficient number of niches in which you can be realized, give complete freedom for choice and activity. Scared of the unknown about starting up in a foreign country? The step-by-step instructions of business registration in Portugal will help you bypass the main “pitfalls”, and if you have any additional questions or problems, contact Move to Cascais, we will help, we will prompt.

Businesses in Portugal

LLCs are opened most often in Portugal. They come in different types. Let’s look at the most popular ones.


This option is similar to our LLC and suits those who plan to run a small business. The main condition is the director and at least one shareholder. They can be of any nationality. Under the Portuguese law it does not matter at all.  
The main “plus” is the minimum requirements to the share capital.
You only need to have one euro in your account to register a company. The annual audit is cancelled if in the past two years the company’s accounts were less than one and a half million euros, if the income did not exceed three million euros, and if the firm has no more than 50 employees. Audit is not required if in the past two years the company’s accounts were less than one and a half million euros.

Publicly traded company with a public company or PLC/SA

This option is ideal for entrepreneurs planning to expand their Portuguese business, wishing to take their firm to the Lisbon or even EU stock exchanges. 
To register a PLC you need:

  1. Five individual or one corporate shareholders. Their citizenship is irrelevant.
  2. Capital from 50000 euros.
  3. Capital from 120,000 euros, two directors are needed.

Audit for PLCs should be done once a year. 

Sociedad Europea (Eurocompany)

This type of company can operate throughout the EU, without going through the procedures required by national laws. In other words, there will be no need for a complicated system of opening subsidiaries, as it is customary under the laws of EU countries.  
To create a European JSC, at least two EU companies with a total capital of at least €120,000 should be merged.


For those wishing to enter the European market without much trouble, the variant of opening a branch is suitable. It should be registered in the tax office, and then file reports on all financial transactions in due time.
Think that the income of the main office is not taxed in Portugal, there are no requirements for the size of the share capital, for the employment of workers, too.


This business format is suitable for conducting advertising companies, for defending the interests of the firm. Manufacturing and commercial activities are not included in the allowed for representation.

Features of registration

We have several detailed stories about starting a business by an individual, there is no point in retelling them, so we will just briefly summarize the information.
So, you can open a sole proprietorship. In this form of business, there are no restrictions on the size of the corporate debt and the amount of capital. 
You can open a sole proprietorship with an LLC, you can open a sole proprietorship with an LLC. The start-up capital for this is 5 thousand euros.
If more than two people plan to register a Portuguese company, the following options are suitable:

  • a private company with a CO, with deposits from 5000 euros. Each shareholder buys shares at 100 euros and is responsible for complying with the rules of the articles of association;
  • LLC for one or five shareholders with at least €50,000 in investments from shareholders;
  • partner company with two partners;
  • partner company with two partners (minimum) who do business together;
  • non-commercial corporation. There are no strict requirements for the capital and composition of the participants.

Registration Procedure

Have you heard about the bureaucracy in Portugal? That is in the past. Now there is a special program Simplex to simplify documents. It makes it possible to open a company both online and on site. The second option is easier. In terms of time, the procedure will take no more than an hour. In the first case, you need 2-3 days, but you do not need to go to the country.
The registration fee is 360 euros. It can be done online, by check, or via ATM terminal. When registering your business in person, you should contact any Empresa na Hora. You will be asked to choose a name from an existing list. To this name will be automatically connected the number of tax payer and social security number.
It is possible to choose an individual name. But to do this, you must first obtain a certificate of approval of that name from the National Register of Legal Entities. 
Of course, ideally you should draw up your own charter, approve it, notarize it. But there is an opportunity to choose ready-made charters at Empresa na Hora. It is faster and more convenient.
If there are shareholders, everyone will need to appear at any nearby office (there are service addresses on this site). No possibility to be present? A power of attorney from a notary is required in the name of the representative of the interests.
The representative of the legal entity shall, in addition to own documents, have an excerpt from the Commercial Register and a document certifying the authority to represent the interests of the company. 
Important. The documents must be translated into Portuguese and certified.
The final stages of registering a business in Portugal
The following “steps” are

  • payment of share capital. It can be done 5 days after registration. Size from one to one thousand euros;
  • filing the application on the beginning of the activity (it may be done in the office of the registration service). It is better to submit it at once, but if you fail to do so, then no later than two weeks from the beginning of the activity. 


Register online

Online company registration (you can see our services Online company registration ) is very fast, if you choose one of the charters approved in advance by the national register of legal entities. 
If the shareholders want to draft their own articles of incorporation, it will take a little longer. 
On-line registration takes 1-2 days. The basic steps are the same. You have to determine the name, prepare the company charter and go to the third step. It consists of presenting the data about the company. 
Include the type of company, registered offices, area of operation, size of capital, IBAN (if any). The registrar will also be interested in the value of the shares and the methods of payment of the share capital.

Shareholder Information

The following information will be needed:

  • about the individual name, date of birth, gender, marital status, taxpayer number, nationality, address and contact information;
  • about the legal entity – name, taxpayer number and address of the main office.



This is a very important point, which is often ill-conceived initially and causes later difficulties with the registration. If you have your own accountant, you need to specify his data (name, taxpayer code, address, phone number and e-mail). If you do not have your own accountant, you can choose from certified specialists “Association”. 

Final stage of registration

It remains to print the charter, sign it, fill out the signature confirmation form. Then scan the documents and file them online. No additional mailing is necessary.
380 euros will cost to register a Portuguese firm. There is a discount for some activities. 

A little about taxes in Portugal

The tax for an individual depends on his income.  
At 7,000 euros, the rate is 14.5%.
For €7000-20000, the rate is 28.5%.
at 20,000-40000 euros – 37%.
at 40000-80000 euros – 45%.
And at the income above 80,000 euros the tax rate is 48%.
Non-residents of Portugal pay tax only at source in the country. Residents shall pay contributions to the budget from worldwide income.  

Why it’s profitable to open a business in Portugal

Let’s conclude with the pros of doing business in the country. 
Every person who made this step can receive the Portuguese residence permit (the variant of receiving it for investments), and in five years to become a full citizen of the European Union. 
Every business in the country can move freely within the Schengen area.
There are great prospects for the business itself, for example, expansion into the market of Europe. 
The infrastructure for the business is excellent.
Register documents in an hour. No bureaucracy!
Loyal taxation system is provided for foreigners. 
Business in Portugal can be opened from scratch, or you can buy an existing one. 
Let us remind you that if you have any questions about moving to your dream country, please contact