Real Estate in Portugal

More and more foreign citizens are buying real estate in Portugal. Moreover, many do not even move into the country, but either live in two states, or make a purchase by simply investing, investing money. Why Portugal? Most of the clients of Movetocascais note the following advantages

  • level of life;
  • favorable location in relation to Europe;
  • ocean;
  • successful conditions for business.

But, purchasing an apartment, a house or just a plot of land for building implies compliance and some caution. This applies not only to Portugal. Anywhere in the world, a serious investment requires a serious approach. There are just subtleties, which are recommended to pay special attention to in this country.

real estate in Portugal


Benefits include:

  • the possibility of choosing a suitable location;
  • participation in the architectural planning and budget allocation;
  • guarantee for 5 years from the contractor.

economically, this option is more advantageous compared to the purchase of a finished building.

but there are also disadvantages. First of all, it is bureaucracy. You need to collect certificates and permits, to apply to the authorities, to spend time, to order materials that are not always available not only in the place of the planned construction, but even in the country …… If you are ready for such complications, of course, build from scratch. But if there is no goal to build a building, and you just want to move and live “to the fullest”, you should choose an already ready-made structure.

Buying to renovate or overhaul

More financially advantageous purchase would be a building or apartment that requires a major overhaul or restoration. More loyal and issuing the necessary permits representatives of government agencies and services. All necessary certificates are obtained more quickly. Repair can be done “on your own. 

If we talk about restoration, the first place among the disadvantages is the risk of exceeding the planned budget. And to exceed quite substantially, sometimes even several times the originally planned amount. Because of ignorance and inexperience. The main focus is on the specified cost. You can see the savings compared to the option suitable for life, but when the work begins, the bills may exceed all expectations at times. 

But the “plus” of a successfully chosen building for restoration can “cross out” all the disadvantages in an instant. In Portugal, there are many ancient castles and mansions, which, in fact, are the monuments of history (although officially unrecognized). For those who have dreamed of living in a real castle, which option would be more profitable – to build your own from scratch, or buy a 17-18 century building, which once housed the royal family, put it in order, and then live, creating a new history? Of course, the second option is more interesting.

Real Estate in Portugal turnkey

Turnkey real estate in Portugal

What kind of ad for sale are we used to seeing? “4-bedroom apartment for sale in the center” or “Nice 2-story house for sale in the suburbs,” right? It’s not like that in Portugal. Only the number of bedrooms is listed there. Living room, kitchen and bathrooms are not counted. Keep a little “cheat sheet” and share it with those who, like you, are planning to move to a dream country.

So, Portugal listings include the following designations:

  • T0. This is a “studio” house or apartment. That is, a living space in which the space is not divided into rooms, but is unified. Only the bathroom is separate;
  • T1. This is a one-bedroom apartment or a one-bedroom house;
  • T2. Two-bedroom apartment/home;
  • T3. Three-bedroom apartment/home;
  • T4. A four-bedroom apartment/home;
  • T5. A five-bedroom apartment/home. 

If the house or apartment has another room without a window, it will be marked as “+1”. Most often, such a room is used as a closet or storage room.

</span style=”font-weight: 400;”>By the way, in Portugal, there is a surprising “habit” of developers. They sell the property already furnished with bath and kitchen.

The most expensive real estate, as expected, is in Lisbon. In second place is Cascais, the third is Porto.  

The purchase of any real estate involves a serious investment, if you are not familiar with the matter, we recommend you to consult our experts who know the prices, laws, and conditions of the deals

Purchase and Sale Agreement

Sales Agreement

As in any country, there is an approved form of contract. The document should specify

  • identificação do vendedor e do comprador (buyer and seller identification data)
  • identificação do imóvel (data on the subject of the contract);
  • preço da compra e venda (cost);
  • descrição dos termos e condições de pagamento (description of payment terms);
  • prazo para a realização da escritura pública (date of notarization).

After the notarial deed of purchase and sale is signed and executed, it must be registered with Conservatória do Registo Predial (land register). 

You must pay 1-8% Imposto Municipal sobre Transmissões Onerosas de Imóveis, IMT (onerous transfer of ownership tax), at 0.8% of the purchase amount (rate fixed), and Imposto Municipal sobre Imóveis, IMI (property tax) at 0.3-0.45% of the amount taxed.

Please note. If the value of the property to be purchased exceeds €600,000, you will need to pay additional tax on the difference between €600,000 and the final amount (this is a wealth tax). 

Investments in hotel real estate are increasingly popular. You can buy individual apartments and profit from renting them out, or you can buy a share in the hotel itself and earn a percentage of the income of that business.

Residence in Portugal for the purchase of real estate

Documents for Portuguese citizenship

Many wealthy people chose Portugal because of the opportunity to quickly obtain a European residence permit, which has a lot of advantages for the whole family.

Formalization takes 2 m

Financially independent is recommended to apply for a D7. It is a visa for “cosmopolitans” who have a stable income outside of Portugal. To do this you need to buy or rent any real estate to live in the country and to confirm his income in an official document, which will indicate that the applicant receives a monthly income of at least 705 euros. Five years after receiving the D7, you can apply for citizenship. To do this, you do not have to give up the first one. Portugal – one of the few countries that recognize the second citizenship.

Often our customers ask: Can I buy real estate in Portugal on mortgage?

Certainly you can. But only if you are not interested in the residence permit for investment. The country has very favorable credit conditions, but the citizenship through a mortgage is not possible.

The residence permit for investment is also called the “golden visa. This category of investors has a lot of advantages.

You can enter children and other family members in the application for the “Golden visa” at once. So, the processing of documents will be much faster.

It is not necessary to buy real estate in the country in order to obtain the residence permit. You can invest in research, business, culture/science, or venture capital funds.

Facing for the first time with the move, the purchase of real estate, registration of residence permit or citizenship, everything can seem complicated and confusing. In fact, the procedure is simple. The more so that we are always ready to help you.  Guide you through all the complex stages, advice and counseling. Do not put it off for later. The future is being made today!  Rocaestate

Moving to Portugal with family and children

Any relocation makes you think about many questions. But when it comes to moving to another country, and even with children, you need to plan a lot more. Tips from those who know what is immigration to Portugal will not be superfluous. Read, study, and if you still have questions, feel free to ask in the comments. 

Moving to Portugal

The opportunity to go abroad appeals to children and adults alike. But when the question is about moving to another country, about the change of citizenship, doubts and fears arise. An unfamiliar country, a different language…But on the other hand, it’s an opportunity, a prospect, a start or a push for their own development, a contribution to their children’s future.

Portugal according to UNICEF is on the top list of countries for moving together with Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, France, and others. In determining the best countries, experts analyzed six main categories: The best countries are the ones that are not on the list:

    1. health;
    2. education;
    3. safety;
    4. cost;
    5. happiness;
    6. time.

The health and longevity of people living in Portugal are different from citizens of other countries. And it is not only at the level of medicine. The air, climate, tranquility, and confidence in the future are more important.


Health care in Portugal is available to legal residents, those who have received a residence permit for investment, as well as those who are not working and are in the care of their families. A Portuguese ID card or social security card is required as proof of residency and receipt of cartao do utente(health care card). Temporary residents purchase private health insurance to cover possible risks. It allows you to get help from emergency medicine and other health care systems. Privately insured people who are temporarily in the country buy medical insurance to cover possible risks. Non-residents in Portugal may obtain a certificate from the junta de freguesia to access the National Public Health System. In the first days after your move, it is advisable to find out all the emergency contacts. And then you can move on to other matters. We recommend you to read the story of Alina and Roman, who move to Cascais pushed by the health problems of their daughter. The change in climate helped the child. And now the family is truly happy.

Children’s upbringing

Move To Cascaiswhen planning a business in Portugal, worry about family, child development, parenting, and education. . In fact, moving abroad with children is one of the best events in life. After all, it is not just a change of residence. It is a real step into the future. A broad confident step into the future of new generations. But before you “jump” on the plane, you need to make sure that all the important events are thought out and provided for. So advice for those moving with children from those who have already done it will obviously not be superfluous.

Preparing together for moving to Portugal

The first tip is to prepare for the move together. Most worrying is the unknown. If you and your children explore the place where you plan to move to, choose the house and its furnishings together, and learn the traditions of the new country, the upcoming event will be more appealing. Of course, it will be difficult for children to leave their homes, scary to fly on an airplane. You need to listen to them carefully, share their excitement, tell them why, in the end, Portugal will be better and more interesting. . of course, the younger generation will not be very carried away by the issues of education and investment, but they will love the fact that Portugal has no frost, but the ocean, mountains, and an incredible number of places for adventures. Tell me about the traditional dishes. About octopus, crabs, and other delicacies. About the opportunity to visit medieval castles, palaces of kings, and the oceanarium.

Portugal residence permit for investment

Residence permit in Portugal it is very profitable to arrange for an investment. The minimum amount of investment is 280,000 € (if you buy in a major city, be prepared to invest at least 500,000 €). But! This investment can be made in yourself. Literally… for example, buying real estate for life, business, or land for building. but buying does not mean immediately acquiring citizenship. The real estate, the estimated value of which is not less than 500,000 €, must have been in use for at least five years. And if a variant of 350,000 € is purchased, it must either be located in an area to be redeveloped or have been built more than thirty years ago. Initially, the residence permit is issued for one year. After that, it can be prolonged twice for 2 years. The main condition is to reside in the territory for at least one week a year.

Investment options

The following options are offered to potential investors for making deposits:

    • purchase of shares or even a share in any Portuguese company for a minimum of one million euros;
    • investment of at least 350 thousand euros in research, in scientific activities;
    • support to talents or contribution to the restoration (preservation) of the cultural heritage of the country (minimum EUR 250 thousand);
    • investing in mutual funds, in venture capital. Capitalization of companies, mostly small or medium-sized (amount not less than 350 thousand euros);
    • opening of a new company or significant investment in an existing one to create at least five jobs for at least three years (amount of at least 350,000 euros).

Portugal residence permit without investment (Visa D 7)

There is such a concept regarding a foreigner – “financially independent”. In this case, we are talking about visa D7, the fastest way to obtain the Portuguese Resident Card. Why the fastest? Because it requires no investment at all. This visa is perfect for programmers, IT professionals, sailors, and entrepreneurs who have a free income. To obtain the visa you do not need:

    • invest in real estate;
    • buy real estate;
    • applying for a residence permit;
    • know Portuguese.

The main thing is to have a monthly income of not less than 705 euros per applicant and +30% of this amount for each child. Or you can not work at all, but then, to confirm your financial independence, you should have a bank deposit of at least 16,920 Euros.

Migration in Portugal

The Permanent Residence Permit in Portugal is issued for an indefinite term, but anyway, the resident status shall be confirmed once in five years. Come on the progra
m “Golden Visa” on the condition of sufficient financial security, accommodation, and obligatorily at least initial knowledge of the Portuguese language, can apply for permanent residence after 5 years of stay in the country. The Blue Card holders receive residency status earlier, after only two years of residence in Portugal.

Portuguese citizenship

After six years of living in Portugal, you can apply for both citizenship and a European passport, which opens, in fact, simply amazing opportunities. For this, you must confirm:

    1. Legal stay in Portugal.
    2. Sufficient knowledge of the Portuguese language.
    3. Knowledge of the country’s traditions, way of life, and customs of the citizens.
    4. No criminal record and generally good reputation.
    5. Absence of unpaid debts to the tax and other state bodies.

It should be noted that you do not need to renounce your first primary citizenship when moving to Portugal and obtaining documents. Dual citizenship is recognized in the country.

Many of our clients ask the same question: “What is the point of Portugal giving so many advantages to people moving?” 

There is a point. And a huge one at that! Portugal is a country that is actively and continuously developing, that is striving forward, that wants a great future both for itself and for its inhabitants. It is ready to become the center of Europe, an oasis of civilization, a paradise for everyone.

This is why there is such a comprehensive development. Innovative projects parallel the preservation of history, careful treatment of cultural values parallel to the active creation and development of new unique projects, and the highest modern technologies parallel to the work of agriculture. 

Get ready to move. And we, will help you do it!

Иммиграция в Португалию 2022. Выбор визы, советы по оформлению ВНЖ и получению паспорта

Immigration to Portugal 2022. Choice of visa, tips on applying for a residence permit, and obtaining a passport

Are you fed up with crises and hardships in your country? Why not immigrate with your family to prosperous, quiet, sunny Portugal, where the crime rate is close to zero, and where life is like a vivid picture from a fairy tale?

We’ll tell you about the features of immigration to Portugal in 2022, tell you about the types of visas, give you tips on applying for residency and getting a passport. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask them via messenger.

For Portugal

Last year, more than 15% of our wealthy compatriots changed their citizenship, leaving the country permanently, or took second citizenship, making travel between the two countries as easy as possible.

But it is wrong to think that only “our” people move to Portugal. This country is called “paradise on earth” not without reason. Rich people from around the world move there. Some are driven by a suitable climate, some by security issues, and all without exception by the desire for a stable life without financial turmoil, without defaults, without political crises, and other things that make confusion in a measured life, interfere with the establishment of business and simply to raise the next generation.

Taxes scare you? The uncertainty? Those who get residency status fall under minimal taxation and get “vacations” for a few years, and then pay them at a reduced rate.

Another “plus” of Portugal is the simplified naturalization process. In any country of the European Union, to obtain citizenship, it is necessary to reside for several years. It is enough to reside in Portugal for 35 days per year, and then you can apply for citizenship.

We will not hide, those convicted of any crime and received a sentence of imprisonment of three years or more, as well as those who in any way, including through financing were associated with terrorist activities, will not be able to apply for citizenship.

No previous citizenship requirements.

Residency based on family ties

The easiest way to become a Portuguese citizen is to prove that there are (were) relatives in the country. That is, if grandparents or aunt/uncle were Portuguese citizens, it will be easy to obtain citizenship. There is no need to prove close communication with them or permanent proof of communication. The only proof of kinship is of interest.

If you do not have Portuguese “roots”, you can marry a citizen of the country. This also greatly accelerates the process of obtaining the residency. Just do not count on a fictitious marriage. There is an exception to this option. Living together in a marriage must be at least three years. And then, having confirmed the reality of the union, you can apply for the documents.

For those who do not have Portuguese roots, and who have no “other half” with citizenship, we recommend paying attention to the option of obtaining citizenship for investment.

Portuguese citizenship for investment

The majority of those who have moved to Portugal choose the most suitable option to obtain citizenship for investment.

You can buy real estate for 280,000 euros and more, buy shares of 500,000 euros and more, contribute 500,000 euros or more to science, start your own business and create at least five or ten jobs, etc. That is, to make an investment in their future, which will be interesting and beneficial to the state. Then all the possible benefits will be available, and citizenship will help quickly arrange (of course, if there is interest. Many of our clients live in two countries, many do not change their citizenship and do not apply for second citizenship. It only takes one’s desire).

Descendants of Sephardic Jews

This option is like winning the lottery for those who dream of obtaining Portuguese citizenship. Anyone related to Sephardic Jews will almost automatically receive all necessary documents (you will only have to pay 250 euros).

A long time ago, many centuries ago, an ethnic group of Jews in Portugal and Spain created communities that lived, each developing their diaspora. However, in the last years of the 15th century, the Sephardim were expelled from the Iberian Peninsula, for which the current government of the countries is deeply guilty. And offers citizenship on favorable terms. Therefore, studying genealogy, and Sephardic Jews in it are a real chance to make things happen in the shortest possible time.

Residents in Portugal by visa

The Startup Visa was created to support technology development and stimulate innovative industries in the country. It allows non-citizen businessmen to apply for Portugal residency on favorable terms.

There is another option, the Golden Visa. According to this option they receive Golden visa in Portugal, who invested several hundred thousand euros in the country’s assets or in its real estate.

</span style=”font-weight: 400;”>It is also possible to invest in funds or a certain direction of business, for example, in popular solar power plants.

In Portugal, the government and all state authorities are very loyal. If a person does not violate the laws and regulations, they will be helped, literally by the hand, through all the instances. So there is no need to be afraid of problems with documents.

Email us or call us, tell us about the purpose of the trip, and we will advise the best of all possible options. Sun, beaches, ocean, and opportunities are just around the corner! Just a few steps away.

Portugal Golden Visa

Changes beginning January 1, 2022

The Portuguese government has introduced new rules regarding the “Golden Visa” of Portugal. The new Portuguese law restricts the “qualifying” zones for investments in real estate in Portugal, as well as making investment opportunities more expensive. The changes took effect on Jan. 1, 2022.

The Portuguese government attributed the changes to the need to evenly distribute foreign investment to other regions of Portugal. As the Lisbon and Porto real estate market has flourished, the government has now focused on developing the real estate market in Portugal’s interior.

Changes in real estate

  • Investors cannot invest in residential properties in popular urban areas such as Lisbon, Porto and Algarve as well as in coastal cities such as Setubal and the Silver Coast.
  • Applicants can only purchase residential property in certain interior Portuguese areas for at least €500,000 or €350,000 when investing in a rehabilitation project. If the residential property is located in an area of “low population density,” a 20% discount applies.
  • Investors can purchase commercial property anywhere in the country for at least €500,000 or €350,000 if they are investing in a commercial property rehabilitation project. If the commercial property is located in an area of low population density, a 20% discount applies.
  • Investors can purchase residential and commercial property on the autonomous islands of Portugal Madeira and the Azores with a minimum value of €500,000 or €350,000 when investing in a rehabilitation project.

Portugal Golden Visa.

Changes in the form of capital transfers

  • The requirement for the amount of capital transfer has increased from €1 million to €1.5 million.
  • The minimum subscription requirement for an investment fund increased from €350,000 to €500,000.
  • Investments in scientific research increased from €350,000 to €500,000.
  • Investments in existing registered businesses in Portugal increased from €350,000 to €500,000
  • The €250,000 donation for art remains the same.

It’s important to remember the difference between hinterland and low-density areas.

What can investors expect from the changes under the 2022 Portugal Golden Visa program

Golden Visa

Although shareholders opposed the changes, they are not necessarily seen as “good” or “bad.” On the contrary, Portugal’s “golden visa” changes are designed to stimulate investment in the interior of the country, easing pressure from metropolitan areas and encouraging foreign investment in other parts of the country.

Some experts predict that alternative investment avenues to obtain a Portuguese residence permit will become more popular, namely the investment fund option.

What has not changed in the program for obtaining the Golden Visa Portugal?

The following Golden Visa investment opportunities are unchanged:

  • To launch the company in Portugal and hire at least ten new local employees.
  • A contribution of €250,000 to the arts.

Will the changes in the Portugal Golden Visa program affect existing investments in Porto and Lisbon?

If you are in the process of acquiring a property in a thriving urban area, you will not be affected by the changes in the Golden Visa Portugal program. However, if you are interested in buying property in Lisbon, Porto or some areas of the Algarve, you can only buy commercial property, not residential.

Other Golden Visa investment routes will not be affected by the visa update and will remain available. If you are not particularly interested in investing in real estate, the Portugal Investment Fund Gold Visa is a very attractive investment route. With a minimum investment of €500,000, you can become a resident of Portugal with the Portugal Investment Fund.

The advantages of the “golden visa” Portugal

The Portuguese Golden Visa program is the ultimate path to citizenship. Under this popular program, Portugal offers a residence permit in exchange for a significant investment in the country. After five years, this residency permit can be converted to Portuguese citizenship if the usual criteria are met. 

The advantage of obtaining a “Golden Visa”over other arrangements is its flexibility. With a Golden Visa, you do not need to move to Portugal (unless you want to). You just need to spend seven days in Portugal the first year and a total of 14 days every two years until you reach the five-year milestone. 

The Golden Visa offers several different investment options, many of which can bring you a decent income while you accumulate years for citizenship. For example, the most popular way is to invest in real estate, which can be residential or commercial (usually hotels). This route is the easiest if you plan to actually live in Portugal, although you can also rent out the property on a Golden Visa.

The standard minimum investment threshold for a Golden Visa for real estate is €500,000. At this level, you can buy property in any part of Portugal or the autonomous territories (Madeira and the Azores), but Lisbon, Porto and some parts of the Algarve are now excluded from the program.

There are several lower thresholds in real estate. If you choose to invest in a rehabilitated property (over 30 years old and located in a rehabilitation area), the minimum threshold drops to €350,000.

In low-density areas, the standard threshold drops to €400,000 and for the rehabilitation option to €280,000. However, properties in these categories can be difficult to find and difficult to obtain. In practice, most Golden Visa applicants choose the easy route of €500,000.

Real estate is not the only option for obtaining a Golden Visa. You can also start your path to Portuguese citizenship with several other types of investments, such as:

  • €500,000 invested in Portuguese venture capital or private equity funds;
  • transfer €1.5 million in capital to a Portuguese bank;
  • creating a Portuguese company and creating at least 10 jobs (or five jobs in a low-density area);
  • €350,000 investment in research projects;
  • €250,000 investment in national heritage or artistic/cultural projects (in practice, this route is rarely used and it can take a very long time to find a suitable project).

The investment funds route is simple and is an excellent alternative to real estate for those who want maximum flexibility, a faster investment process, and do not need to live in Portugal. Other routes are less common and can be more complicated.

Before applying for a Golden Visa, you need to make a successful investment. In the case of real estate, this means finding a suitable property and taking possession of it. In the case of investment funds, this simply means transferring money into the fund. 

After obtaining the Golden Visa, you will have visa-free access to the Schengen area, and after five years you can obtain Portuguese citizenship.

Portugal passport – what does it give and what is its power? Living on the shore of the Atlantic Ocean in the warm climate of Portugal, in the most comfortable conditions in all plans, is undoubtedly attractive. But the majority of those who decide to move to this country, nevertheless, put an opportunity to become a citizen of the European Union in the first place. Acquisition of EU citizenship is not just a status for oneself. It is the possibility of a prestigious education for children and grandchildren, it is life in security and stability, and it guarantees and supports business development. 

Obtaining a Portuguese passport

The way to become a citizen is as follows:

  • Proof of Origin
  • Marriage with a person who has already acquired citizenship
  • Reuniting with your family (i.e., moving in with relatives)
  • Investing
  • Living in the country for several years (naturalization)

Please note.Investment is the most advantageous way to obtain the citizenship of Portugal, because the procedure is formalized through a specially designed program.
Any descendant of a Portuguese is eligible for Portuguese citizenship and can obtain Passport Portugal. Moreover, it is not necessary to reside in Portugal. It is enough to provide documents confirming the kinship and the procedure will be started.
Many people choose to marry a Portuguese as the easiest way to acquire citizenship. But you should understand that the passport will be issued three years after the marriage, not earlier. And it will be necessary to confirm that the applicant for citizenship papers, actually lives with his spouse (albeit in another country, but together). In addition, any ties with the Portuguese community must be confirmed. This implies work in the country, studies, or property.
Portuguese people are very careful about their homeland, its development, and culture, so those who want to become citizens require proof of language skills at the level A2 (this is the basic level, which implies the ability to communicate in general). For this purpose, it is necessary to pass the exam and receive the CILPE certificate.
Получение гражданства Португалии​

Why Portugal

In addition to climate and safety, there are other advantages that “bring” Portugal to the forefront for those who choose the country to move to.
Much is said about the port, the chic architecture, the ocean, the large-scale festivals regularly held here…But little is said about the security, the level of social progress, the educational and health systems in Portugal, amazingly balanced in their approach to everyone.
And these are very significant factors!
The stable economy not only allows for tangible tax benefits on income earned in the country, but also completely tax-free foreign income (pensions, self-employment, dividends, etc.).
Portuguese people are trusted around the world. They are allowed to travel in countries of Schengen and European Union without visa, presenting only ppassport of Portugal. Those who have Portuguese citizenship can enter Japan, the USA, Australia and Canada under the simplified procedure. And not just enter, but also conclude deals and sign a variety of contracts only with the Portuguese passport.

Naturalization for citizenship

If you have been legally residing in the country for five years with a residence permit, you can prepare documents for citizenship by so-called naturalization. This option is suitable for those who do not have relatives or spouses in Portugal. It is considered the most time-consuming, and also requires an additional test of knowledge of the Portuguese language at the level A2.
It is sufficient to stay in the country for 183 days per year.
It is allowed to cross the border by tourist and national visas. The document confirming the legality of residence in the country is very important. It is issued by the Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras (SEF) (Service for Foreigners). In addition, for naturalization citizenship, a copy of the residence permit in the country, a birth certificate, and a handwritten questionnaire must be provided.

What documents will be needed:

All documents must be either translated into or issued in Portuguese. They must be submitted to the immigration office.
It is sufficient to stay in the country for 183 days per year.
It is allowed to cross the border by tourist and national visa. The document confirming the legality of residence in the country is very important. It is issued by the Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras (SEF) (service for foreigners). In addition, for naturalization citizenship, a copy of the residence permit in the country, a birth certificate, and a handwritten questionnaire will have to be provided.
Получение гражданства Португалии​

Portuguese citizenship for investment

Participation in the investment programs of Portugal, although it does not provide immediately to obtain citizenship and immediately obtain a Portuguese passport, greatly facilitates this process.
Investment residence permit is easier to obtain than the usual naturalization. It is enough to be in the country only 7 days a year. You do not need to pass the exam for knowledge of Portuguese. The program is called the Golden Residence Permit Program, so it is often called a “golden visa” in Russian. But it is Golden Residence Permit Program with greater opportunities than the standard naturalization and not just a visa.
The most common way to invest in Portugal is the purchase of real estate or land for development. After five years of ownership, the object can be sold, and you can buy something else if plans change.
The price of the new property must be at least 500 000 euros. The intended use is commercial or residential.
If the property is over 30 years old and there is a need for renovation, the price can start from 350,000 euros.
Note:You don’t have to buy one object for the indicated amount of investment. You can buy two or more, and then rent them out, quickly recovering your investment.
Another option how to obtain a Portuguese passport is to open your own business and create for the Portuguese at least 10 jobs + purchase real estate.
Документы для гражданства Португалии​

To apply for a residence permit, depending on the investment program, you will need the following documents:

  • passport;
  • visa;
  • insurance policy;
  • confirmation of tax arrears;
  • a certificate of no criminal record;
  • documents that confirm the applicant’s participation in the investment program (for example, a contract of sale).

From 2022 it is impossible to invest in major cities. The priority is to buy real estate in the interior regions of the country, as well as in the Azores and Madeira.

Denial of citizenship

If there are not enough documents from the mandatory list if the documents or application contain false information if the level of income does not meet the requirements of the country, and if there is no confirmed connection to the Portuguese community, the citizenship may be denied.
It does not make sense to apply for citizenship for persons who have a criminal record with a term of imprisonment of three years or more, contract servicemen of other countries, as well as civil servants of other countries.
Portugal is a strong, beautiful, independent country where you can lead a quiet, confident and secure life. If you have any questions about paperwork or the move itself, feel free to ask them in the comments. We would be happy to share our experiences!

While working on my book “How to Move to Paradise”, and just talking to clients every day, I constantly hear the same question: why is Portugal the best option for your investments? And indeed, investment programs for immigrants are not uncommon these days, so why exactly Golden Visa Portugal?

I’ll be honest, a year and a half ago, when I first got to this amazing country, I was skeptical about such a question. Buying property somewhere else in the country just to get residency? It seemed that the risks did not correspond to the possible advantages, however, now I understand that we are talking about one of the most reliable and fastest-growing real estate markets in Europe, so it is not only a great opportunity to get a residence permit but also a great way to preserve and increase their capital.
Why I bought a house in Portugal

Why I bought a house in Portugal

– My move started in 2017 when I decided to make a change in my life. I had been living in St. Petersburg since I was born: I graduated from school, and university, and opened my first business here. There were many projects, but the most successful one was a small chain of grocery stores around the city. Two still exist today: both on Vosstaniya Street. I love my hometown very much, but there has always been one important problem here. In Russia, it’s almost impossible to realize yourself honestly. You always stop at the ceiling of your possibilities and without proper connections you simply can’t develop further.

Then I decided to make a radical change. Over the years, my husband and I had managed to save a decent amount of money and decided to try and move to another country. Mark, my husband, is from Brazil himself, so of course, that was the first place we went.

As it turned out, that was a big mistake. The conditions for doing business are even worse than in Russia; we had problems even at the stage of registering an IE. The only nice thing was the low housing prices. We bought a small apartment on the outskirts of Fortaleza. To be honest, I already knew then that it was unlikely to be a profitable investment, but given that we sometimes visit my husband’s parents to have our apartment here seemed like a good idea.

After the first year of unsuccessful attempts to start something worthwhile in Brazil, it was clear that we would not get far. There was only one problem: where to go next. The decision came by itself and after stopping for a week in Russia with my family, we went on a little trip through Europe, with a final point in Portugal, which has always gone hand in hand with Brazil, so there should have been no problem with the adaptation.

Portugal turned out to be exactly the place we had been looking for so long. Great climate, the ocean in direct reach, nice people, and the best environment for starting a business in all of Western Europe. When we returned to Brazil, we decided to find an opportunity to move to Portugal.
oceanfront house

Oceanfront House

Valeria looked at seven or eight properties, but she liked this house in Portugal at first sight. The price was amazing for such a property – 550,000 euros for a villa by the ocean.

The house was in an area of Lisbon, literally 300 meters from the coastline. Everything was in perfect condition: on the first floor a living room, bathroom, kitchen, and guest bedroom; on the first floor three bedrooms, another bathroom, and a balcony with a wonderful view over the surroundings. The three-bedroom house is in good condition and just a few kilometers from the beach. The house is close to several beaches, including the small peninsula of Peniche, where she took surfing lessons. In the other direction are vineyards and castle villages. The price was right, so she didn’t haggle – many similar properties cost between 630,000 and 800,000 euros near the coast.

Affordable mortgages in Portugal

Available mortgages in Portugal

Often in conversations with people coming to developing countries, there is a discussion about the need to either pay for the house in full when you buy it or take out a loan secured by another property. In countries like Ecuador, Panama, Mexico, and Thailand, mortgages are rare. Interest rates are high if you can get a loan at all, and you usually have to make a weighted payment in five to seven years.

This is not the case when buying property in Portugal. Valeria was able to put in a 20 percent down payment and receive a long-term interest rate of 1.95 percent for 25 or 30 years. That, in the end, is less than the long-term inflation rate. To get that rate, you have to have a life insurance policy. Anyone can get one – it’s easy and not very expensive.

The real estate agent that MoveToCascais gave me was a miracle! She was the one who found the offer. They also provided me with a Russian-speaking lawyer who made sure everything was in order and who expedited the paperwork. It was not difficult to cover all the transaction costs: a few thousand euros and I already own this beautiful house.

Utility costs in Portugal

Cost of utilities in Portugal

The agent also set her up with a plumber and a cleaner, both of which were very reasonable.

– The average full-time wage in the area is about 1,000 euros a month, so the cost of household services is a pleasant surprise. The painting crew is going to paint the entire interior of a house in two days for 500 euros. The plumber was here for half an hour and only took 15 euros for the job. The people here are much more responsive than I expected.

Portugal golden visa residence permit program

Getting a residence permit through Portugal’s golden visa program

As I wrote above, Valeria received a residence permit in Portugal under the golden visa investment program. Let’s talk more about this opportunity.

The golden visa in Portugal has existed since 2012 and was created to give non-EU citizens the right to obtain a residence permit in exchange for a 6-year investment in real estate. The Golden Visa program has not only helped people live and work in the area but has done wonders for the local economy. Almost six billion euros are said to have been invested in Portugal since the scheme was launched.

The Portugal Golden Visa is one of the most popular citizenship programs for investment in Europe and the world because Portugal is a safe country to live in with an affordable quality of life and good health thanks to its relatively affordable real estate prices (some of the lowest among all EU capitals).

The Portugal Golden Visa program was launched by the government to grant residency status to all real estate investors and eligible families wishing to invest in Portugal. This is done by investing in real estate and is available to any citizen outside of the EU.

The Portuguese Golden Visa program is a program that is available to all citizens outside of the EU.

After obtaining a residence permit with a gold visa, you will be eligible to:

  • reside in Portugal for the duration of your visa,
  • work, live and study in Portugal,
  • travel visa-free in the 26 countries of the Schengen Agreement of the European Union,
  • get Portuguese citizenship after 5 years with the same right as any Portuguese and European Union citizen, the right to family reunification in Portugal and the European Union.

Portuguese Gold Card holders receive a temporary residence permit in Portugal for two years, renewable for another two years. At the end of the 5th year, gold card holders can apply for permanent residency or Portuguese citizenship if all other requirements of the law are met.

Valeria was easily able to make a 20% down payment and pay closing costs, even though she bought an apartment in Brazil last year.

what now?

What about now?I emailed Valerie again while the pandemic was going on and found out that she had sold the house when she decided to open her own business in Portugal.

– I put the house up for sale two months ago, and within three weeks we found a wonderful Portuguese couple who agreed to take it in. It was a good deal: they sold it for €650,000. With the money I made, I bought a studio in Lisbon which is now being renovated.

I am so glad that I decided to move two years ago. Portugal is a wonderful country and despite all the challenges of the pandemic, I was finally able to fulfill myself here. The whole move was a success, thanks a lot to the guys from MoveToCascais, many thanks to them.

New life in Portugal in 2022

Friends, this concludes our story. I learned a very important lesson from Valeria’s case – don’t stop halfway. Even if you’ve already tried and it didn’t end up the way you planned, it’s always worth trying again.

My own experience moving house is the best proof of that. Think about it: moving to a foreign country, taking my whole family with me and all during quarantine… Of course, I had my doubts, but I am happy that I did not give up and that I found my new home here in Portugal.

If you too want to change your life for the better and have been thinking about moving for a long time, now is the best time to make the first step. We are happy to help you at any stage of legalization in Portugal: from arranging NIF Portugal to advising on obtaining a residence permit and even citizenship! Remember, the main thing is your motivation, and all the details of the immigration process should be left to professionals. We are waiting for you in Portugal!