Moving to Portugal with family and children
Any relocation makes you think about many questions. But when it comes to moving to another country, and even with children, you need to plan a lot more. Tips from those who know what is immigration to Portugal will not be superfluous. Read, study, and if you still have questions, feel free to ask in the comments.
Moving to Portugal
The opportunity to go abroad appeals to children and adults alike. But when the question is about moving to another country, about the change of citizenship, doubts and fears arise. An unfamiliar country, a different language…But on the other hand, it’s an opportunity, a prospect, a start or a push for their own development, a contribution to their children’s future.
Portugal according to UNICEF is on the top list of countries for moving together with Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, France, and others. In determining the best countries, experts analyzed six main categories: The best countries are the ones that are not on the list:
- health;
- education;
- safety;
- cost;
- happiness;
- time.
The health and longevity of people living in Portugal are different from citizens of other countries. And it is not only at the level of medicine. The air, climate, tranquility, and confidence in the future are more important.
Health care in Portugal is available to legal residents, those who have received a residence permit for investment, as well as those who are not working and are in the care of their families. A Portuguese ID card or social security card is required as proof of residency and receipt of cartao do utente(health care card). Temporary residents purchase private health insurance to cover possible risks. It allows you to get help from emergency medicine and other health care systems. Privately insured people who are temporarily in the country buy medical insurance to cover possible risks. Non-residents in Portugal may obtain a certificate from the junta de freguesia to access the National Public Health System. In the first days after your move, it is advisable to find out all the emergency contacts. And then you can move on to other matters. We recommend you to read the story of Alina and Roman, who move to Cascais pushed by the health problems of their daughter. The change in climate helped the child. And now the family is truly happy.
Children’s upbringing
Move To Cascaiswhen planning a business in Portugal, worry about family, child development, parenting, and education. . In fact, moving abroad with children is one of the best events in life. After all, it is not just a change of residence. It is a real step into the future. A broad confident step into the future of new generations. But before you “jump” on the plane, you need to make sure that all the important events are thought out and provided for. So advice for those moving with children from those who have already done it will obviously not be superfluous.
Preparing together for moving to Portugal
The first tip is to prepare for the move together. Most worrying is the unknown. If you and your children explore the place where you plan to move to, choose the house and its furnishings together, and learn the traditions of the new country, the upcoming event will be more appealing. Of course, it will be difficult for children to leave their homes, scary to fly on an airplane. You need to listen to them carefully, share their excitement, tell them why, in the end, Portugal will be better and more interesting. . of course, the younger generation will not be very carried away by the issues of education and investment, but they will love the fact that Portugal has no frost, but the ocean, mountains, and an incredible number of places for adventures. Tell me about the traditional dishes. About octopus, crabs, and other delicacies. About the opportunity to visit medieval castles, palaces of kings, and the oceanarium.
Portugal residence permit for investment
Residence permit in Portugal it is very profitable to arrange for an investment. The minimum amount of investment is 280,000 € (if you buy in a major city, be prepared to invest at least 500,000 €). But! This investment can be made in yourself. Literally… for example, buying real estate for life, business, or land for building. but buying does not mean immediately acquiring citizenship. The real estate, the estimated value of which is not less than 500,000 €, must have been in use for at least five years. And if a variant of 350,000 € is purchased, it must either be located in an area to be redeveloped or have been built more than thirty years ago. Initially, the residence permit is issued for one year. After that, it can be prolonged twice for 2 years. The main condition is to reside in the territory for at least one week a year.
Investment options
The following options are offered to potential investors for making deposits:
- purchase of shares or even a share in any Portuguese company for a minimum of one million euros;
- investment of at least 350 thousand euros in research, in scientific activities;
- support to talents or contribution to the restoration (preservation) of the cultural heritage of the country (minimum EUR 250 thousand);
- investing in mutual funds, in venture capital. Capitalization of companies, mostly small or medium-sized (amount not less than 350 thousand euros);
- opening of a new company or significant investment in an existing one to create at least five jobs for at least three years (amount of at least 350,000 euros).
Portugal residence permit without investment (Visa D 7)
There is such a concept regarding a foreigner – “financially independent”. In this case, we are talking about visa D7, the fastest way to obtain the Portuguese Resident Card. Why the fastest? Because it requires no investment at all. This visa is perfect for programmers, IT professionals, sailors, and entrepreneurs who have a free income. To obtain the visa you do not need:
- invest in real estate;
- buy real estate;
- applying for a residence permit;
- know Portuguese.
The main thing is to have a monthly income of not less than 705 euros per applicant and +30% of this amount for each child. Or you can not work at all, but then, to confirm your financial independence, you should have a bank deposit of at least 16,920 Euros.
Migration in Portugal
The Permanent Residence Permit in Portugal is issued for an indefinite term, but anyway, the resident status shall be confirmed once in five years. Come on the progra
m “Golden Visa” on the condition of sufficient financial security, accommodation, and obligatorily at least initial knowledge of the Portuguese language, can apply for permanent residence after 5 years of stay in the country. The Blue Card holders receive residency status earlier, after only two years of residence in Portugal.
Portuguese citizenship
After six years of living in Portugal, you can apply for both citizenship and a European passport, which opens, in fact, simply amazing opportunities. For this, you must confirm:
- Legal stay in Portugal.
- Sufficient knowledge of the Portuguese language.
- Knowledge of the country’s traditions, way of life, and customs of the citizens.
- No criminal record and generally good reputation.
- Absence of unpaid debts to the tax and other state bodies.
It should be noted that you do not need to renounce your first primary citizenship when moving to Portugal and obtaining documents. Dual citizenship is recognized in the country.
Many of our clients ask the same question: “What is the point of Portugal giving so many advantages to people moving?”
There is a point. And a huge one at that! Portugal is a country that is actively and continuously developing, that is striving forward, that wants a great future both for itself and for its inhabitants. It is ready to become the center of Europe, an oasis of civilization, a paradise for everyone.
This is why there is such a comprehensive development. Innovative projects parallel the preservation of history, careful treatment of cultural values parallel to the active creation and development of new unique projects, and the highest modern technologies parallel to the work of agriculture.
Get ready to move. And we, movetocascais.com will help you do it!
Иммиграция в Португалию 2022. Выбор визы, советы по оформлению ВНЖ и получению паспорта