+351 910 066 171 info@movetocascais.com
Avenida Aida 295, bloco 8 esq 224, 2765-187 Estoril, Portugal

Most banks in Portugal require you to visit a local branch to open a bank account, although a few allow you to open a Portuguese bank account online.
How to open a bank account in Portugal varies slightly from bank to bank, but as a rough guide, you need to go through the following procedures. Watch the video below and find out more information!


Want to open a bank account in Portugal?

With us, it will be easier to apply and get the account opened without time-consuming procedures.Just fill out the form below!

Here are 4 things you’ll need to get started:

  • Valid passport
  • Confirmation of address in the country of residence
  • Confirmation of address in the country of residence
  • Portugal’s NIF document (don’t have one? Apply here)

Fill out the form and get started your opening process for BANK ACCOUNT