+351 910 066 171 info@movetocascais.com
Avenida Aida 295, bloco 8 esq 224, 2765-187 Estoril, Portugal

The cancellation of the Golden Visa program is a shock to the country’s real estate market.

The Golden Visa program, launched in 2012, allows anyone outside the EU to obtain a residence permit after making significant investments in Portugal.Under this scheme, investors can obtain residence or citizenship by investing in real estate, business and job creation. Obtaining a residence permit through the purchase of real estate was particularly popular.

The decision to end the program was made after several years of criticism. The program, which mainly benefited rich foreign investors, led to an increase in real estate prices, especially in popular cities such as Lisbon and Porto.

In announcing the decision, Portuguese Prime Minister Miguel Costa stressed that the government was committed to putting the interests of the Portuguese people first and addressing public concerns about the Golden Visa program. The suspension of the program is effective immediately and remaining applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

The move has drawn mixed reactions. Some argue that the program has played an important role in attracting foreign investment, stimulating growth in the real estate sector and creating jobs. Others argue that ending the program could have a negative impact on the Portuguese economy.

However, it is worth noting that the program has led to price distortions in the housing market, making it increasingly difficult for locals, especially young people, to find affordable housing. Another concern of the Government is the potential for money laundering and tax evasion, which is a threat to national security.

The abolition of the golden visa scheme is not a spontaneous act, as Portugal is under increasing pressure from the EU to reform or abolish the program. Other EU countries, such as Malta and Cyprus, have already seen their citizenship-for-investment schemes overhauled, resulting in tighter rules and increased transparency.

It remains to be seen how the abolition of the golden visa will affect the Portuguese real estate market and the economy as a whole. There may be difficulties in the short term, but eventually the market will adapt, leading to more sustainable growth and more affordable housing for locals. The Portuguese government has said it intends to introduce alternative measures to attract foreign investment and stimulate economic growth, while avoiding the potential drawbacks associated with the golden visa program. Details of the new measures have not been disclosed, but officials emphasize that they will ensure a fair and transparent investment climate.

As Portugal says goodbye to the Golden Visa program, it is at a critical juncture in balancing economic opportunity with protecting the interests of its citizens. The coming months will show the real consequences of this bold decision and determine the future of foreign investment in the country.

The attractiveness of Portugal is growing: almost 800,000 foreigners have chosen the country as their home. All this shows the hospitable atmosphere of Portugal, economic opportunities and high quality of life.

The number of foreigners living in Portugal reached an all-time high of around 797,000 in the latest annual report, according to data from the Immigration and Border Guard Service (SEF). Compared to previous years, the statistics reflect a growing migration trend in the country.

The most attractive factors contributing to Portugal’s attractiveness are its stable political climate, affordable cost of living and vibrant cultural life. The country’s favorable tax regime, coupled with the (recently abolished) Golden Visa program, has also played a significant role in attracting foreigners.

Portugal is a cosmopolitan country, people from different countries choose to settle in different regions of the country. Most foreign residents come from European Union member states, as well as from Brazil, Cape Verde, Angola, Ukraine and China.

The Portuguese government has recognized the value that foreigners bring to the country, both economically and culturally. Foreign residents have made significant contributions to sectors such as tourism, technology, healthcare, and education, contributing to the country’s economic growth and innovation.

The influx of foreign residents has also had a positive impact on the Portuguese real estate market, leading to increased investment in construction and real estate. Regions such as Lisbon, Porto and the Algarve are seeing significant growth in the residential sector, with new developments and renovations catering to both local and international buyers.

And while all this has brought Portugal many advantages, it is also worth noting the problems. The burden on public services, the problems with expanding infrastructure, the burden on the healthcare system is what the government of the country is facing.

However, the government aims to create an inclusive society that values the contributions of both native Portuguese and foreign residents, encouraging harmonious coexistence.

As the number of foreigners living in Portugal continues to grow, the country’s reputation as a welcoming and attractive destination is expected to further strengthen. The government’s commitment to inclusion and the general well-being of all residents will be critical to ensure a prosperous and inclusive future for both local residents and those who have chosen Portugal as their second home.

Portugal was ranked 7th in the Global Peace Index (GPI), making it one of the most peaceful countries in the world. The ranking highlights Portugal’s commitment to social harmony, stability and the well-being of its citizens.

The Global Peace Index, compiled annually by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), ranks countries based on a range of indicators such as levels of violence, crime, political instability, militarization, and social security. Portugal’s high safety record has contributed to its impressive rating.

Portugal, a country that is popular with expats and tourists, has long been a place to return to. The GPI rating strengthens the country’s reputation as a safe and welcoming haven for residents and visitors, where peaceful coexistence is a fundamental value.

The Government of Portugal actively contributes to this by implementing numerous initiatives to ensure the well-being of its citizens and maintain peace in society. Investments in education, health care, social welfare and public safety have played a paramount role in enhancing the sense of security and overall satisfaction of the population.

We should also note the low crime rate. The country has one of the lowest homicide rates in Europe and violent crime is relatively rare. The presence of the police is visible but unobtrusive, helping to maintain public order and security while respecting the rights and freedoms of the individual.

Political stability also played an important role in the peaceful environment in Portugal. The country has a long democratic tradition and has experienced a period of political stability that has fostered social cohesion and a sense of trust in institutions.

Portugal’s peaceful reputation extends beyond its borders, attracting investors, international organizations and individuals looking for a peaceful and safe environment. The rating serves as an important confirmation of a country’s commitment to peace, which in turn enhances its international standing and attractiveness.

The Portuguese government has announced its decision to phase out the Immigration and Border Protection (SEF) by October this year. What to expect next?

The SEF, Portugal’s immigration, border control and asylum agency, has come under fire in recent years over concerns raised about its effectiveness, transparency and alleged misconduct by its officials. Therefore, the government was soon forced to phase out the SEF in order to address these issues and create a more modern, flexible and accountable immigration system.

The liquidation process will include the transfer of responsibility of the SEF to other relevant organizations. Border control and security functions will be transferred to the National Republican Guard (GNR), while tasks related to immigration will be entrusted to the Foreigners and Border Guards Service (SEF) and the Portuguese Immigration and Foreigners Service (SEFIR). It is expected that the division of responsibilities will make the management of immigration matters more efficient.

The government’s decision to dissolve the SEF was met with controversy. Proponents argue that the move represents a much-needed overhaul of the country’s immigration system for greater efficiency and accountability. And through restructuring, will lead to a more transparent and flexible approach that addresses the shortcomings identified in the previous system.

However, some have raised concerns about potential disruptions to the transition and the need for comprehensive planning to ensure a smooth transition.

The Government, on the other hand, reaffirmed its commitment to responsible transition management and maintaining the necessary experience in the relevant organizations. Comprehensive training programs and knowledge transfer initiatives will be implemented to minimize any potential knowledge gaps and ensure service continuity.

The phasing out of the SEF also provides an opportunity to strengthen cooperation and information sharing with international partners, especially in the European Union. Portugal aims to bring its immigration system in line with best practices and ensure smooth cooperation in areas such as border control, asylum procedures and the management of migration flows.

As October approaches, the Portuguese government will work closely with the SEF, GNR, SEFIR and other stakeholders to ensure a smooth transition. Efforts will be made to minimize any potential disruption to ongoing immigration processes, as well as to address the concerns of SEF staff affected by the restructuring.

The phased dissolution of the SEF is a huge step towards a more streamlined and efficient immigration system in Portugal. Increased transparency, accountability and coordination within the immigration system will create a fair and efficient system that addresses the growing challenges of migration and border control in the 21st century.

Thoughts on business scaling and relocation

As in the life of most businessmen, I had a stage when it was necessary to scale the company. I own an IT company in Ukraine, and I already have branches in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Lviv, and Ivano-Frankivsk. But I felt that I had already reached the ceiling, so my partners and I started thinking about entering the European market.

Without a doubt, I needed favorable conditions both in terms of business registration and taxation, as well as the opportunities and status of the country itself. I began to examine the conditions offered by countries. In countries like Germany or Switzerland, the tax rate is very high, and we would have to give up about half of our income.

At the time, I was very interested in life in two countries, I was attracted by the idea of spending the winter in a warm country, for example, or the opportunity to go on business trips every two or three months. Bali, Sri Lanka, or Thailand were good options for me. But I was thinking of relocating with my partners and a few employees, and since some of them had families, this was not a good option. I soon tossed aside the idea of finding the perfect place to both grow my business and live and focused on the possibilities.

Web Summit in Lisbon

Web Summit in Lisbon

In the fall, I was getting ready to visit Web Summit in Lisbon, I had never been there, and it was just as much a discovery for me! Web Summit was held in the Park of Nations, and I rented an apartment there for two weeks. I was very surprised with the neighborhood, it was as good as the ones in Kyiv. Park of Nations is very similar to the concept of a city in a city! Modern apartment complexes, offices of many technology companies, shopping centers, convenient transportation, and many recreational places. That’s when I thought about developing a business in Portugal !

I could not put this process off for long and started searching for information. On the MoveToCascais website, I filled out an application just to be consulted. Also, it was important for me to do it during a face-to-face meeting. The manager of MoveToCascais and I called, and after 2 days, I was already sitting in their office in Estoril, discussing possible options for moving and opening a branch here. In addition to registering a company, I was also offered the possibility of obtaining NHR status. This would have given me huge tax advantages, so I immediately agreed! So my journey in this country began!

Moving to Portugal

Two weeks later, I returned to Kyiv. I had a lot of things to do, and at that moment, I definitely decided that I would not mind moving to Lisbon myself, maybe even with my team. I kept in touch with MoveToCascaisand was aware of all my paperwork processes! I was sure of my decision, but I didn’t know how to convince my partner.

The answer came of its own accord, I asked Yury, the manager of MoveToCascais, to give me a short mite and tell me about the advantages of living and developing a business in Portugal. Who else but him knew everything from personal experience? I was happy to hear the support of my ideas and solutions from those who were also at the origins of my company, from people with whom we implemented our global goals and realized our vision for IT products.




I remember the next six months with warmth and a smile. I and my partner and 2 general managers were getting ready for a new stage of our life. I flew to Lisbon quite often – I met the MoveToCascais team! Yury and his team became good friends to me, they also helped us find apartments to rent and an office. And all this in Park of Nations, the most technologically advanced neighborhood in Lisbon! That’s when I met the guys who worked in the neighboring offices. One of them was Joao, the creator of the serverless platform that I had heard a lot about. We signed a collaboration contract with him the first month after we moved in! It was a new level that I had been striving for a long time!

Our vacation in Europe


Our move to Portugal was a new stage in our life. But first things first! 

In 2017, my wife and I decided to vacation in Europe. We had a month at our disposal, and then we chose five countries in each of which we spent a week. 


Our trip started in Germany, Vanessa’s sister lived there, and we decided to visit her. Then we visited the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, and Portugal. Of course, having seen four fascinating countries before, we did not expect anything from Portugal. However, it surprised us! The picturesque nature, the seafood, the ocean – we thought then that we had a natural paradise! 


Canada Portugal


We were also surprised that in the Algarve, we met a Canadian who had come to stay from Lisbon. As it turned out, he had been living in Portugal for ten years, and we could see how inspired he was by this country from his burning eyes! We spent a long time in the hotel discussing his story and admiring it, but we had no thoughts of moving!


After we returned to Canada, we went back to doing our own thing, and only the pictures from our trip to Europe warmed our hearts! I then decided to start a new project while mastering a new branch of my profession, and my wife was busy creating her sewing training courses. We were so busy that we hardly saw each other and we missed each other a lot! 


Getting to know MovetoCascais


One such evening, Vanessa came up to me, and we started discussing plans for the next year! We already had a house and a car and were developing our projects, but we were still missing something. We were thinking of moving to the U.S., buying more real estate to rent, maybe flying to the islands, or having a baby. But remembering a vacation in Europe, we had the fantastic idea to move to Europe and buy a house simultaneously! 


Royal Obidos Resort (3)


We were so inspired that we started looking for opportunities to do it the same night! It was immediately apparent that there was no desire to deal with documents, conditions, and possible problems! And then we became interested in the services of agencies. Having written to several in different countries and received advice from everyone, we decided to go with Portugal and MoveToCascais! 


Buying a villa by the ocean


At that time, we decided we wanted to buy a villa by the ocean close to Lisbon to be in the center of all events! 

We were offered four new complexes in which we could choose what would be perfect for us. We immediately went to view the villas in Cascais! No doubt they were all charming, but there was one we liked best! 

Two floors with a two-car garage and floor-to-ceiling windows gave the house a lot of natural light. We had a porch, garden, and pool – hard to believe we had the house of our dreams in front of us! When we first arrived, we felt at home, which must have been the main factor in our decision! Soon the villa was ours! 

Moving to Portugal from Canada


MoveToCascais did everything very quickly, and the paperwork went perfectly for us, most notably that we did not have to put off all our business and go on the first call to government offices because, having heard similar stories from friends and acquaintances, we were afraid that this would happen again to us! 


In October 2019, we officially became residents of Portugal, living in our dream home 10 minutes from the ocean. We finally felt happy, too, and we are very grateful to everyone who played a role in our move in one way or another! Special thanks to MoveToCascais, who walked hand in hand with us through this challenging journey!

Moving to Portugal Really Helped


Our life in Lithuania


My family and I never thought that we would ever live in another country! We were born and raised in Lithuania! We met here and started a family here, and we like our country, so we never even discussed this idea. 


When our second daughter was born, I just changed jobs and got a job at a large firm as a general director. Constant traffic jams, long meetings, and meetings, constant business trips. There were times when I did not see my family for weeks. My relationship with Greta was getting worse and worse, and I had no energy left for work. All this really wore us out, and after a while, there was a question that something needed to change in life. But what? 


Initially, of course, I thought about leaving the capital for my hometown. True, I quickly pulled myself away – such a step back is definitely not an option. In addition, my hometown will have fewer opportunities for children, and we really wanted to give them to a private school and give them a quality education. So I put the problem on the back burner, and we went on vacation.


Travel to Portugal


It was the first time we had been to Portugal, and we were absolutely thrilled. The weekend in the Azores was just perfect: the warm Atlantic Ocean, wonderful nature, and an evening walk through the picturesque streets of Ponta Delgada. We were hardly ever in mainland Portugal, but even so, we saw a completely different world.




I truly realized this when we returned home. I remembered that not long ago, I had been thinking about moving, but why not try to move somewhere nicer? We had just returned to a cold winter with snow and frost, and I wanted to move to a small villa somewhere on the ocean. After a few weeks of reflection and family advice, we realized we should try it. 


Lisbon view


Although it was not our first visit to Portugal, we were just as impressed. Lisbon is an amazing city. We realized this as soon as we arrived. Even at the airport, the air smelled like the ocean. And what to say about the city itself! It would seem what to expect from one of the dozens of European capitals – but Lisbon has surpassed all our expectations.


Meet with a manager from MoveToCascais


In the capital, we stayed less than a week and immediately went to Cascais. There we met our manager from MoveToCascais, who gave us a little tour of the city. After exploring the city, we were invited into the office, where we had a short presentation about how the move would take place. Here we found our first accommodation: a great two-bedroom apartment 5 minutes from the waterfront. When all the issues were resolved, it was time to head home. This time, though, we were sure we would return very soon.

I had moved to the Lisbon branch of the company, and although I was already in a smaller position, it was an opportunity to spend more time with my family. While packing and getting ready to move, we were in touch with MoveToCascais the whole time. 


Our life now!


It’s been 5 years since then, and we’re in the process of moving into a new apartment. At the moment, we did not dare to buy our own place, but everything is still ahead!


Surprisingly, moving to Portugal really helped me sort myself out. I finally got some time for my personal life, which only helped my work. Agree, it is hard to stay productive when you have a dismal winter landscape outside your window. Here everything is different.


We sent the children immediately to an international private school, as we wanted. There they go through the American curriculum and improve their language skills. Also from school, there are circles and our children also attend them. 


To summarize, I just want to say one thing. I am really happy that we made the decision. Even though the move did not seem the most trivial task, we still did it! Nothing is impossible nowadays, and the main thing is not to give up, try, and you will succeed too.  

Moving to Brazil and trying to start a business


My move started in 2017; I moved with my husband to Brazil after getting married. He grew up and was born there, but we met during a trip to Japan.Moving to Brazil was frankly not easy for me. I didn’t want to fly across the ocean to another continent, but I encouraged myself with the idea that I could open my own business there, and my husband and I would buy a house and travel around the country together.


Brasil view


As it turned out, I was very wrong.


The conditions for doing business were awful; we had problems registering the IP. The only pleasant thing was the low housing prices. We bought a small apartment on the outskirts of Fortaleza. To be honest, I already knew then that it was unlikely to be a profitable investment, but given that we sometimes visit my husband’s parents, having our apartment here seemed like a good idea.


After the first year of unsuccessful attempts to start something worthwhile in Brazil, it became clear that we would not get far. There was only one problem: where to go next. The decision came by itself when we went on a short trip through Europe, with a final destination in Portugal, which has always gone hand in hand with Brazil, so there shouldn’t be any problem with the adaptation.


street Portugal


Portugal was precisely the place we had been looking for so long. Great climate, the ocean in direct reach, friendly people, and the best environment for starting a business in western Europe. Upon returning to Brazil, we made the decision – we needed to find an opportunity to move to Portugal.


Among the many other companies, we stumbled upon the MoveToCascais service, ordered a trial consultation, and immediately found the answer to our question. After listening to our story and learning all the wishes, we were offered a great option: a golden visa to Portugal through real estate investments.


The perfect house has been found!


We looked at seven or eight properties, but she liked this house in Portugal at first sight. The property price was terrific – 550,000 euros for a villa by the ocean.


villa portugal ocean beach


The house was in Lisboa, literally 300 meters from the coastline. Everything was in perfect condition: on the first floor, a living room, bathroom, kitchen, and guest bedroom; on the first floor, three bedrooms, another bathroom, and a balcony with a beautiful view over the surroundings. The three-bedroom house is in good condition and is only a few kilometers from the beach. The place is close to several beaches, including the small peninsula of Peniche, where I could take surfing lessons. In the other direction are vineyards and castle villages. The price was right, so we didn’t haggle – many similar properties cost between 630,000 and 800,000 euros near the coast.


At that time, my husband and I had already sold our apartment in Brazil and added our joint savings to pay for the house. But quite often, in conversations with people coming to developing countries, we discussed the issue of mortgages. Someone told us about the need to either pay for the house in total when we buy it or take out a loan secured by another property. Mortgage loans are rare in countries like Ecuador, Panama, Mexico, and Thailand. Interest rates are high if you can get a loan, and you usually have a weighted payment in five to seven years. Fortunately, this is not the case when buying property in Portugal. You can make a 20% down payment and get a long-term interest rate of 1.95% for 25 or 30 years. That, in the end, is less than the inflation rate over the long term. To get that rate, you have to have a life insurance policy. Anyone can get one – it’s easy and not very expensive.



Thinking back on our process, one can’t help but praise the real estate agent that MoveToCascais service provided me with – just a miracle! She was the one who found this offer. They also provided me with an attorney who ensured everything was in order and expedited the paperwork. The closing costs were easy to cover: a few thousand euros, and we are already owners of this beautiful house.

Immediately afterward, I started setting up my own business. Here again, we worked with the MoveToCascais agency! I expected a long process of at least a year or even two. And I was amazed when everything was ready in less than six months!


In the meantime, my husband found a remote job in Europe and was improving our home in his spare time.


Of course, I want to express a huge thank you for your service because it would have been much more difficult without you! Of course, we recommend you to all our friends who are also planning to move to Portugal, and hopefully, we will meet them soon in this beautiful country!

Moving to Portugal as a U.S. citizen can be daunting. Getting a Golden Visa makes relocation much easier.

This article will discuss the advantages of obtaining a Portugal Golden Visa.

Why Should You Consider Getting a Portugal Golden Visa?

U.S. citizens can gain a lot from their Portugal Golden Visas.

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Terrific Healthcare

Terrific Healthcare Porugal

Portugal has one of the best healthcare systems in the world. Receiving your Golden Visa gives you access to the country’s well-developed medical infrastructure.
Besides being of high-quality, medical care is also available to most people. You can get it for free at public hospitals if you’re a Golden Visa owner.

Private clinics are commendable too. Appointments are available much faster than in some U.S. states, and the level of service is impressive. For instance, you can consult your doctor by phone if you need guidance about prescribed therapy. There are also robust health insurance policies that cover the total or partial cost of your treatment.

Having Portugal’s healthcare services readily available is reassuring, but you don’t want to visit your doctor too often. This can happen if you experience stress by working with disreputable transporters. You can lose a lot of money, and your furniture can get damaged beyond repair.

To avoid this scenario, hire trustworthy Portugal international moving companies. They follow the highest safety standards and use premium containers to ensure your belongings arrive in the country promptly and in one piece.

Tax Benefits

A Portugal Golden Visa can dramatically lower your tax burden. You can get non-habitual resident (NHR) status for a decade, which means you pay just 20% of your self-employed income. Without it, the rate soars to nearly 50%

Additional NHR tax benefits include:

  • No taxation on worldwide income – Any salaries, dividends, and profits earned in other countries aren’t taxed in Portugal if you have a double-tax agreement.
  • Capital gains are taxed at a flat rate – The country taxes your capital gains at a fixed rate (28%). It gives you a stable and competitive base for your investment activities.
  • Flat domestic income tax – If you’re a U.S. investor with a Golden Visa, you’ll only need to pay a flat income tax rate (20%). It applies to business and employment income if you’re performing high-value activities.
  • Fixed pension tax – Taxes on your pension-based income are subject to a 10% flat-rate tax.

There are many other advantages of the Portuguese tax system:

  • No wealth or inheritance tax – Unlike the U.S., Portugal doesn’t impose an inheritance tax on its citizens. You only need to pay a 10% fee. Additionally, the country doesn’t have any form of wealth tax.
  • Low property tax – If you’re an investor, you can dramatically expand your portfolio in Portugal after receiving a Golden Visa. It sets your property tax between 0.3% and 0.8%. Plus, you might be eligible for various exemptions, depending on the location of your property and how you manage your profit.
  • Cryptocurrency isn’t taxed – Portugal doesn’t control cryptocurrency operations. After becoming a citizen with your Golden Visa, you can complete transactions without any restrictions. More importantly, you don’t pay any tax once you make a profit.

Affordable yet High-Quality Education

High-Quality Education Porugal

The Portuguese aren’t the only people who can send their kids to free public schools or kindergartens. U.S. citizens with a Golden Visa have the same right. You can also enroll your child in a nursery (at three months) and in school (at the age of six) earlier than in most U.S. states.

On top of that, paid kindergartens have no queues. Your children learn in small groups of no more than 10. You can also send them to institutions with English-speaking or teachers with mixed backgrounds (Portuguese and English).

When it comes to public schools, you can use them for free after getting a Golden Visa. There are excellent high-school certificates recognized across the EU. Also, you can choose from a wide array of boarding or private schools where your child can live and study all year long.

Unlike public schools, private institutions hold their lessons in multiple languages. Besides Portuguese, your child can also learn in English, French, and German.

Portuguese higher education is another highlight. Four of the country’s universities consistently rank high on the list of the best universities in the world.

Portugal Passport

Portugal Golden Visa Pasport

If you’re an investor with a Golden Visa, you’ll be able to apply for Portuguese citizenship after five years. As the country is in the EU, you can stay in any other member state for as long as you like. You won’t need to obtain special work or study permits.

However, you will need to meet some other conditions to become a citizen of Portugal:

  • You’ve maintained your residence permit status for five years
  • You have the elementary level of Portuguese proficiency (A2)
  • You haven’t been convicted of a crime and gone to prison for three years
  • You don’t threaten the country in any way

Outstanding Network of Banks

Portugal is home to over 150 banks that service businesses and individuals. A Golden Visa gives you access to these financial institutions. It also makes you eligible for less stringent checks, and your chances of taking out loans are much higher.

Investors can especially benefit from Portugal’s banking systems. They can freely access all available services from EU banks, such as opening accounts, conducting foreign transactions, and keeping savings.

Low Cost of Living

Portugal Golden Visa cost

Portugal is one of the best places to live in Western Europe. Apart from its gorgeous scenery and friendly people, it’s also known for its low cost of living.

Practically everything is affordable, from healthcare and education to food, social activities, and leisure. Most people need approximately $1,400 a month to live comfortably, which is unimaginable in the U.S.
Therefore, a Golden Visa lets you enjoy a great life in Portugal without incurring heavy debt.

Portugal Is Waiting

If you want to start a new chapter in one of the most beautiful European countries, apply for your Golden Visa today. Also, hire a trusted carrier, such as Three Movers, to transport your possessions safely. Once you reach your destination, you’ll reap the benefits of your Golden Visa status.

In the first quarter of 2022, US investment more than tripled compared to the same period in 2021. With an investment of 25.1M euros in the first three months of 2022, the U.S.A. is now the number one country investing in Portugal.

I can hear American accents everywhere – whether I’m walking on the street or browsing online. There are Facebook groups for people to connect with others from the United States and Meetup groups that help provide get-togethers among those who relocated to Portugal. These types of clubs cater specifically to an American audience considering they relocated halfway across the world.

Expats are welcomed by Portuguese and international communities in the country. It is an easy place to make friends due to a quarter of the population being international. However, it is quite easy to get around now that there is less of a population than in California.

Portugal has some of the sunniest days in any country, with an average of 300 sunny days each year. However, this number varies by region.

In Portugal, Porto is a colder and cloudier city and is very similar to San Francisco in these terms. Outside Porto are vineyards that surpass Napa, with breathtaking views and endless miles of habitat. The region in which the vineyards totes award-winning wines.

Portugal, Porto

The climate is warmer in the south of Portugal, and there are many surfers. Ericeira and Nazare have world-record-breaking waves and offer a relaxed vibe that’s only an hour or an hour and a half away from Lisbon.

Lisbon is a culturally rich, inviting city amid an economic boom. If you move there, you will love it.

The Portuguese city of Lisbon has a fantastic cosmopolitan setting, with European history making it perfect for Americans. Life in Lisbon can best be explored by taking trips along the river Tagus, which is very popular with local residents.


Ian Fleming was enamored by the mysterious and gorgeous villages that are only fifteen kilometers from Lisbon, Cascais, and Estoril. Ian strongly believed these two towns were the perfect spot for German and British spies before WWII. Fleming’s first novel Casino Royale was modeled after his experience at a casino in Cascais called Palacio Estoril; it’s based on the sophisticated charm of the area that remains one of the most popular national features. The nearby coast is lined with restaurants and bars for people to enjoy sunsets, sports, or even just to hang out.

Along the beach, when you travel south, better beaches keep coming. Comporta is a new Palm Springs that has a Portuguese twist. It was developed by international companies such as Discovery Land Company and Vanguard Properties. The region has attracted many rich people who are tempted by the environment and foreigners’ appreciation of it. This region has drawn celebrities like Christian Louboutin, Philippe Starck, George Clooney, Jeff Bezos, Christiano Ronaldo, and other trendsetters because they adore its natural surroundings

Benagil cliffs

The Algarve, about 170 kilometers from Lisbon, is Portugal’s southernmost region and is known for its magnificent Atlantic beaches and jaw dropping Benagil cliffs. Fishing villages on cliffs overlooking sandy coves were transformed in the 1960s and are now lined with villas, hotels, bars, and restaurants. The sunny shores of the Algarve are great for all types of travelers, those seeking the hot nightlife in Lagos or those desiring secluded stays in Sagres. The fabulous beaches, thermal springs, and miles of limestone caves and grottoes make the Algarve one of Portugal’s most sought-after locations.

There is so much more to see and do in this country. Portugal has many coastal highlights, but they also have other destinations worth exploring. When you move to Portugal, it’s a small country, so it’s easy to get around, and the 10-year tax benefit program is spurring growth faster than a wildfire in California. With all of that growth, tourism and real estate are booming.

If you want to buy a newly constructed property in Cascais, Estoril, or greater Lisbon – RocaEstate is here to help!

Yes, we know how to find a great deal for you – we’ll search all around the area and get the result you’re looking for! ✅

Fill free to reach us by texting +351 913 471 797 📲